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Table Of Contents

The Bard And The Poser

Celtic/ Druid Links

Celtic Trees Of The Year

What Is ADF?

Of all the paths that are plagued with oceans of misinformation, it seems that the Celtic inspired paths are the hands down winner for the most misinformation passed off as fact. The original path referred to as "Druidry" or "Druidism" flourished from about the 2nd century BC to about the 2nd century AD. These "first druids" left no written records and were hunted to extinction, thus there are no "first druids" in existence in modern times.

Most ancient accounts assert that the functions of priests, religious teachers, judges, and civil administrators were performed by Druids, with supreme power being vested in an arch druid. Three classes of Druids existed: prophets, bards, and priests. They were assisted by female prophets or sorcerers, who did not enjoy the powers and privileges of the Druids. (It is for this reason that those who wish to claim they follow classical druidry may not be women as opposed to Celtic druidry which does not have such gender limits). The Druids were well versed in astrology, magick, herbalism, and the mysterious powers of plants and animals; they held the oak tree and the mistletoe, especially when the latter grew on oak trees, in great reverence, and they customarily conducted their rituals in oak forests. Archaeologists believe that the Druids probably used as altars and temples the stone monuments known as dolmens (a type of prehistoric chamber consisting of two or more large, unhewn, stone slabs set edgewise in the earth and supporting a huge flat capstone which serves as its roof. dolmens were often covered with immense artificial hillocks and were surrounded with a circle of more large unhewn stone slabs that was known as a cromlech.) that are found throughout the areas where Druidism flourished. Stonehenge in England antedates Druidism by many centuries, though it does appear to have been greatly inspired by someone or some group with extensive knowledge of the dolmens.

This is not to say the modern Druidry does not exist, for it does, though not in the same form as in the past.

Though we currently have little available on this topic, it is only because there are some wonderful sites out there that we feel have already covered this topic as well as we could have. Just click on the name of the site and you will happily be transported. 

The latest addition to WWPN is probably one of the best we have seen yet. Daven's Journal combines an excellent insight into modern Druidry in plainer language that Imbas without losing any of the accuracy. In addition, to his articles on Druidry, he has many informative and insightful articles into the ethics that should be part of any Pagan path but are often overlooked by less serious followers. Be sure to check out his Druid Directory


One of the most comprehensive databases on Druidry and other Celtic inspired paths on the Web. Imbas is not particularly graphics intensive, nor will you find a BOS here, but you will find a plethora of extensively researched, well written articles.

Witchcraft of Wales, Cymry Wicca, and Celtic Neopaganism

This site is fast becoming to druids, what Witchvox already is to Wiccans. We hope that you will agree.

What is ADF? Courtesy of

The Irish words, pronounced "arn ree-ocht fane", mean "Our Own Druidism", and that's just what ADF is - a completely independent tradition of Neopagan Druidism. Like our sisters and brothers in the other Neopagan movements, we're polytheistic Nature worshipers, attempting to revive the best aspects of the Paleopagan faiths of our ancestors within a modern scientific, artistic, ecological, and wholistic context. Like our predecessors and namesakes the Druids, we're people who believe in excellence - physically, intellectually, artistically, and spiritually.

We're researching and expanding sound modern scholarship about the ancient Celts and other Indo-European peoples, in order to reconstruct what the Old Religions of Europe really were. We're working on the development of genuine artistic skills in composition and presentation. We're designing and performing competent magical and religious ceremonies to change ourselves and the world we live in. We're adapting the polytheologies and customs of both the Indo-European Paleopagans and the Neopagan traditions that have been created over the last fifty years. We're creating a nonsexist, nonracist, organic, and open religion to practice as a way of life and to hand on to our grandchildren. We're intergrating ecological awareness, alternative healing arts, and psychic development into our daily activities. Together, we're sparking the next major phase in the evolution of Neopaganism and planting seeds for generations to come.

ADF was started by P.E.I. (Isaac) Bonewits, known in the Neopagan community as an author (Real Magic, The Druid Chronicles Evolved, Authentic Thaumaturgy), editor, teacher, polytheologian, activist, priest and bard. He has been a Neopagan Druid for nearly twenty years and has dedicated his life to reviving Druidism as a modern, healthy, "Third Wave" religion capable of protecting and preserving Mother Nature and all Her children.

As a member of ADF, you'll be able to communicate with hundreds of others interested in Druidism, join local congregations (called "groves") of fellow Druids, attend regional gatherings, and enroll (if you wish) in the toughest Neopagan clergy training program in existance. The Membership and Networking Form that you'll fill out will give you the chance to list all the research areas, arts, skills and interests you have that you'd enjoy sharing with other members. You'll also be able to tell us what your concerns and priorities are, and how you think ADF should focus energies.

"News From the Mother Grove" comes out every other month and announces ADF policies, local grove activities, lectures and other appearances by the Archdruid, modifications to the study program, etc. It's kept very short and news oriented.

"The ADF Membership Directory" comes out once a year and lists the names and mailing addresses of every member who has given us permission to publish his/her information. It also includes data on who is interested in what activities, research fields, and arts, so that the members can form guilds, research networks, and special interest groups of all kinds.

"The Druid's Progress" comes out twice a year (Gods willing). Part of every issue is articles, essays, songs, and rituals by the Archdruid, and the rest is similar materials produced by the members, including comments on preceding issues, plus occasional items of special value reprinted from other publications. Any member can submit from two to eight pages of camera-ready copy, following the rules printed in each issue. At this point issues are running 70-120 pages each. Back issues are available and are highly recommended if you want to understand the continuing conversations, critques, and debates between the members in each issue.

"The Grove Organizer's Handbook" is available to all members wishing to organize a grove in their area. It contains legal information, organizational rules and advice, sample ads and notices you can use to attract new members, etc.

More than 400 people have joined ADF, making us the largest Neopagan Druid organization in the world. We have legal status as a Nonprofit Religious Association, however, donations are not yet tax deductable. Groves and protogroves are being organized all over the USA. Songbooks, informational pamphlets, a polytheological dictionary, and other Druidic publications are in the works. Regional gatherings are being held at the solstices and equinoxes. In short, although our longrange approach is "as fast as an oak tree", we're growing more rapidly than any of us expected. So ask yourself - why not excellence?

An application for membership and further information can be obtained by sending a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope enclosed) with your request to:


PO Box 516

E. Syracuse, NY



The Bard and the Poser. 

by Sia

Over the years, I have seen a set of character traits in action which effect our community in ways that are both positive and negative. This archetypal set is:

The Bard and the Poser.

The strength of the Bard is that of brilliant story teller, learned advocate, truthful historian, imaginative teacher, wise counselor and creative artist. From song writers to programmers, within groups and as solitaries, our people use this Companion archetype to create in many ways and forms. Bards inspire others to reach for their fullest potential and they show us how to tap into our creative being.

The Bard archetype is honorable, trustworthy and truthful. This Companion has the necessary talents and skills to perform well on a variety of Life's stages. When in effect, the Bard shows our community to best advantage.

The Shadow Side of the Bard is the Poser, the Con Artist, and the Liar. This Shadow re-writes our personal and collective history so that we always appear to be wiser, kinder and greater than we really are. This part likes to put the blame for our bad behavior on the other person, on circumstance or on the culture at large. It tends to give us far too much credit for what we have accomplished and is not grateful to those who have helped along the way.

Where the Bard sees abundance, the Poser sees lack. Where the Bard offers friendship, the Poser uses people. The Poser is that part that excuses, rationalizes, evades, forgets, and denies.

The Bard takes pride in work well done. This side knows it takes effort, training, practice, polishing, reworking and learning in order to create. The Bard sees both the big picture and the details and knows that life and art are best defined as works in progress. A true Bard is always willing to learn from others who are more skilled and experienced than they are. The Bard is original, the Poser copies. What a Bard creates, a Poser steals.

The Bard strives towards excellence and honors it in others. The Poser is only concerned with showing off. The Poser has an ego like a gouty toe and can only see others as mirrors that reflects their image, thus this archetype's dependence on the opinions of others. The Poser cannot take criticism of any kind, no matter how well informed, positive or helpful it may be. The Poser is full of envy for the skills and the gifts that others possess but is unwilling to do what it takes to obtain those skills or to earn respect. The Bard wants to learn, the Poser wants to appear learned. The Bard knows that it takes hard work to achieve a goal. The Poser wants to wear the laurels before the race even begins. The Bard wishes to earn the respect of peers and is not concerned with the opinions of the crowd. The Poser is more concerned with looking good than in being good.

The Bard knows an essential truth about Earthwise Spirituality. It's this: "If our word is no good in this world, then it is no good in the Other World" (1). The Poser cannot tell the truth without embellishment or lies directly. The Poser re-writes history to make itself look like the hero and it's word cannot be trusted. The Poser has no real power, in either world, as a result.

When a Bard suffers a setback, this part knows that it must learn from mistakes and move forward. The Poser does not know the difference between making a mistake and being a mistake. Rather than learn from mistakes, this part simply tries to hide them. A Poser prefers to stay in a rut and whines to all who will listen. The Bard has learned compassion and moves forward with new strength and wisdom.

Over the years, I've watched our community struggle with the Bard and the Poser as we interact with each other and with the outside world. These two sides come forward most often when we write our history, teach, form Circles or attempt to organize. The Bard brings us together, the Poser tears us apart.

The key to avoiding the Poser lies in being honest about our motives, our abilities and our history. Telling our truth and listening to the truth that others might tell us can both hurt and heal. It's risky, it's humbling and it's very difficult. It can cost us friends and it can mean we have to say "I'm sorry". Not telling our truth or lying to make ourselves look good or to keep those friends, keeps us stuck in a dysfunctional tar pit of resentment, denial and ill feeling. It's much better to deal with the muck and the mess and to pull ourselves free of it while we can.

Remember this: there are always three truths to any conflict: Yours, the other person's and the real deal. You won't get up and out to the greater truth, without knowing the other two. You can try climbing out, using only your truth as a support, but it's like trying to climb a ladder with only one side. Sooner or later, you'll slip and fall back into the muck.

Ultimately, what we learn from telling the truth and acknowledging these archetypes is up to us. Thus the need for a spiritual practice that teaches Consciousness, Choices and Cause and Effect.

A lovely example of this comes to us in Terry Practchett's latest children's book titled Wee Free Men (link). A witch named Miss Tick gives a young girl named Tiffany some free advice:

"Are you listening?"

"Yes," said Tiffany.

"Good. Now... if you trust in yourself."


"and follow your star." Miss Tick went on.


"You'll still get beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things and weren't so lazy. Good-bye."

Wishing us all the courage to look at our Shadow sides and the wisdom to make right choices.


(1) This wisdom comes from a Librarian Bard named Rowan Fairgrove

Bio: Sia is Council Leader for Full Circle: She can be reached for comment at