Astronomy also plays an everyday role in our life.  The ancient astronomers discovered the rotation rate of the Earth, the length of a year, and other facts about our place in the universe.  Modern day astronomers both amateur and professional have a daily impact.   

For Pagans, astronomy is one of few things that can connect people anywhere, for many lands have tales about the lights in the sky: what causes them, what figures they are named for. Astronomy is something that is not only good to learn but a great group activity that is enjoyed by people literally of all walks of life.

There are different definitions of Astronomy. Some define it as a branch of science dedicated to the study of the motions and natures of celestial bodies, like planets, stars, and galaxies. Others say it is the study of objects and matter outside the earth's atmosphere and of their physical and chemical properties. Still others would say it is the study of everything, because it's a study of the universe and everything is part of the universe.

All three definitions are accurate, but however you define it, there are many fields within Astronomy. Cosmologists study the Universe as a whole, including its beginnings. Astrometrists measure great distances. Planetologists study planets within our own Solar System as well as those orbiting distant stars. Radio Astronomers use radio-telescopes to study the Universe. There are also Mathematical Astronomers who use numbers, calculations and statistics to explain the universe.

Astronomy is not a "stand-alone" science. It combines areas from a number of other fields, including mathematics, chemistry, geology, biology and physics. In fact, physics is such an integral part of the field that many astronomers are also known as Astrophysicists.

The study of our universe is not new, astronomy is the oldest science. People have been looking up, trying to explain the universe for as long as there have been people. Some of the earliest Astronomers were priests and holy men, studying the movement of celestial bodies to determine celebrations and planting cycles.

The ancient Greeks were the first to start developing astronomy theories about the design of the Universe.

There have been many astronomers throughout history who have played important roles in the science. Many have later been proved wrong as our knowledge and technology improved, but if not for the earlier work, later scientists would have had nothing on which to base their research.

This is only a partial list:

Claudius Ptolemy

Nicholas Copernicus

Tycho Brahe

Galileo Galilei

Johannes Kepler

Isaac Newton

Edmond Halley

William Herschel

Albert Einstein

Willem de Sitter

Georges-Henri Lemaitre

Edwin P. Hubble

Thomas Gold

Carl Sagan

Stephen Hawkings

For more in-depth information about astronomy, check out's Astronomy 101, free online basic astronomy course. You can earn a certificate.

Celestia is a free real-time space simulation that lets you experience our universe in three dimensions. Unlike most planetarium software, Celestia doesn't confine you to the surface of the Earth, you can travel throughout the solar system, to any of over 100,000 stars, or even beyond the galaxy.

FVG The purpose of the Free Virtual Galaxy Project (FVG) is to provide a zero cost, interactive 3D virtual reality system which allows users to "fly" to and around nearby stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.

The Nine Planets is an overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and moons in our solar system. Each page has text and images, some have sounds and movies, most provide references to additional related information.

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