Listed here are support groups for people who deal with sexual addictions.  Some groups are for the addicted, some are for others affected by the addiction, and some groups welcome everyone.

I can offer no personal opinions of the groups listed here.  I've simply tried to create as complete of a list as I can of support groups that can help those dealing with Sexual Addiction.


Celebrate Recovery
Fellowship and celebrate God's healing power in our lives through the "8 Recovery Principles."


Codependents Of Sexual Addicts (COSA)

bulletCOSA of Michigan


Faithful and True Ministries
Christ-centered support groups for those seeking to recover from sexual addiction.


Good News for Sexual Addiction
A Christian resource of help for the Sexually Addicted.


Homosexuals Anonymous
H.A. is a Christian fellowship of men and women who have chosen to help each other to live free from homosexuality.


Recovering Couples Anonymous

bulletCouples' Stories


Renew is a Christian-based therapy/recovery group for men who struggle with unwanted homosexuality.


Renewal from Co-Sexual Addiction
R-CoSA is a Christ-centered 12-Step group for spouses of sexually addicted men.


Renewal from Sexual Addiction
RSA is a Christ-centered 12-Step Recovery Program for people who are struggling with compulsive sexual behaviors, often called Sexual Addiction.

bulletMembers' Stories


A fellowship of the relatives and friends of sexually addicted people who share their experience, strength and hope in order to solve their common problems.


Sex Addicts Anonymous

bulletWhat Is Sexual Addiction?
bulletAre You A Sex Addict? (Self-Test)


Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous


Sexaholics Anonymous
(I list this site simply because it exists.  However, there is nothing on this site except a description of SA.  Not even contact information.)


Sexual Compulsives Anonymous

bulletSCA Twenty Questions (Self-Test)
bulletThe Tools That Help Us Get Better
bulletFourteen Ways to Avoid a Slip


Sexual Recovery Anonymous

bulletGoodmorning & Goodnight