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The answers to the questions are printed in red.

 Most young animals spend a lot of time playing, but they're not just (1)........................... fun. They're learning rules to help them grow up safely (2).............................. a difficult and dangerous world. In the (3) ............................ way, children learn a lot through playing games. By playing with toys like balls and building bricks, young children learn about shapes and colours, sound and (4)................... . Once they can talk, children's games are often more social and are (5).......................  with their day to day lives. They may act the parts of parents, teachers, shopkeepers or doctors - any of the (6)......................... they come into contact with. This (7)........................... of play is important (8).......................... it helps them to understand the adult world (9).................................. And playing is not just for children. Games of skill and chance such as card games and board games can be played at (10).......................... age .

1 A making B feeling C having D doing
2 A on B at C with D in
3 A good B human C only D same
4 A movement B move C moving D moved
5 A closed B contained C covered D connected
6 A children B people C jobs D actors
7 A length B type C way D work
8 A even B however C because D although
9 A better B greater C longer D higher
10 A all B most C some D any