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The answers are in red below.

Sudan is   a rather large nation in the northeastern part of Africa. It has about sixteen million people. It is (1)................ by several other African countries and also has a short coastline (2)................ the Red Sea. Some northern areas of the country have deserts while the southern part has tropical rain.

The capital city is Khartoum where the Blue Nile and the White Nile come together to form the world's longest river system which is (3)................ simply as 'The Nile'. Khartoum has a population of about 200,000 people.

There are two main groups within the population of Sudan. In the northern and central parts of the country there are many Arab-speaking Muslims. They make (4)............... about two thirds of the total population. In the southern (5)............. there are groups of people who (6)................. African languages.

The northern and southern regions also have different histories. People in the south lived (7)................ themselves for many years. However the northern area was controlled (8)............... foreigners (9)............ several centuries. and didn't (10)..................... fully independent until after the  Second World War.


1 A      approached B      edged C     bordered D    neared 
2 A     near  B     along C     towards D    behind
3 A     called B      named C     spoken D     known
4 A     up B     by C      out D      over
5 A     countries B      places C     territorial   D       area
6 A     have spoke B     speak C      speaking  D     are spoken
7 A     by B     on C      with D      to
8 A     for B     by C      from D      over
9 A     since B     beyond C     nearly D      for
10 A      become B     be C      became D      getting