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There I was, staring at the black skies
By my window, against the cold night
A sudden gush of wind would pass by
And I shiver as I asked myself why?

How could you live without the sun?
The moment I feared you weren't the one

There's but one star outside
Seems as if the world had died
And left me here alone inside
To live in perfect harmony with the dark

Where's the place that I used to be?
Where's the soul that was in me?

The ghost of which a whisper could hear
Was a way of torture to my dearest dear
Somehow when silence would take over
The minute seems to last forever

Where's the place that I used to be?
Where's the soul that was in me?

So I sit here and wonder why
The taste of blood in her eyes
Seems to glow brighter and brighter
With one bite, it's forever and ever

- Jp

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