National Institute of
The membership of the National Institute of Ecology is open to all individuals actively engaged as a professional (in research, teaching or management) in any field of ecology and environmental sciences. There are four categories of membership:
(i) Fellows are individuals elected by the Institute for their significant outstanding contributions to the science of ecology and/or environment. The Fellowship is open to individuals of all nations. For details, go to Fellowship.
(ii) Members are individuals, resident in India (including Nepal), interested in the subject and willing to contribute towards the objectives of the Institute.
(iii) Overseas Members are individuals residing outside India.
(iv) Student Members are individuals enrolled in an Indian University, College or Research
Institute, as a full-time student engaged in research in any area of ecology or
environmental science. An individual can remain a student Member for a maximum of four
years only.
Privileges of Members
To receive the regular publications of the Institute. They are: the International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, the Bulletin of the NIE, and a Newsletter, the NIENEWS.
To publish research papers and general articles in the lnstitute's publications, if acceppted after normal review process.
Discount on other NIE publications
Reduced Registration Fees for conferences/symposia organised by the NIE
Information on the current
developments/programmes/publications/conferences/ opportunities worldwide in all fields of
Ecology and Environmental Sciences
Subscription Rates for Membership
Members in all categories pay an Admission Fee at the time of joining the Institute, and an Annual Subscription which is fixed periodically. The current rates of Admission Fee and Annual Subscription are:
Annual Subscription (w.e.f. 1 January 2002)
Members: Rs 300 (in India and Nepal only)
Overseas Members:
US $ 40 (Developed Countries)
US $ 30 (Developing Countries)
Student Members: Rs 250 (In India only)
Admission Fee:
Rs 100 (in India and Nepal)
Rs 50 (students only)
The amount for Life Membership has now been fixed according to the current age of the Members. The amount can be paid in two or three installments but within the same calendar year. The following rates will come into effect on 1 January 2002. The amount does not include the Admission Fee or the Fellowship Fee and does not entitle the members to privileges retrospectively for the years for which the annual dues have not been paid.
Age Amount
Above 60 years
Rs 1000
>55 to 60 years
Rs 1800
>50 to 55 years
Rs 2500
>45 to 50 years
Rs 3250
>40 to 45 years
Rs 4000
>35 to 40 years
Rs 4500
>30 to 35 years
Rs 5000
Less than 30 years
Note: Age only in completed years on 1 January in the year of application for life membership will be considered.
For further information, contact the Treasurer, NIE.
Membership Application Form:
Download it here as a PDF file (mem-form.pdf) or request it from the office of the Secretary General or the Business Manager, NIE (email:
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Last Updated 30 December, 2001