Week: Aug. 23,1999

    I met with my mentor earlier this week to discuss the reconstruction's. This was helpful because he showed me useful techniques, and different ways to decipher the displacement. Tom also gave me access to the plotter used to print out my reconstruction's. This way I am not dependent on him or Tim to print out the reconstruction's for me. After I complete a reconstruction for each event horizon, I will print out a new log to reconstruct. This will make my life a lot easier because I will not have a million pieces of paper from one reconstructed log. Instead I will have a million pieces spread out over six to seven logs :-) But seriously this improvement will make the data more precise, and easier to read. The only downfall of these print outs is it takes one to two hours to print.
    This week I accomplished a lot, and I believe I will finish my project by the end of next week. Tom will return at  the beginning of the week following so I should be able to met with him to discuss my project and correct is mistakes I have made. I can only hope that the mistakes will not be so major as to effect my entire project. I do not expect Tim to return for another few weeks, but hopefully before the SCEC meeting. After I finish my reconstruction's I will begin to design my poster and write my report, which will probably take up the remaining time left before the presentations. I look forward to the finished product of this project and throughout the summer it has been very interesting to watch the stages of it's development.
Although I do find it difficult to complete the project with minimal to no guidance, I feel this is a good learning experience for me. I have to make my own ultimate decisions, and hope that they are the best one's. I also have been challenged to learn how to operate new equipment and programs, which otherwise I may have never had the opportunity to use.
I think I'm heading towards the final haul ..... feel's like final's week.