Week: July 12 1999
       This week I have spent a lot of time constructing my web page for SCEC. I have never made a web page before so it has been challenging learning the ins and outs of creating and updating the page. However I am ironing out the last few kinks in the page today and should have it completed by the end of this week. It has been fun to design and create the page and I hope that all the links will work. I would have like to use the server at my school (UCSB) but since I am at SDSU I did not know how to access it. SDSU also has a server for students, but because my mentor is out of the country I could not get access to that either. I finally ended up using a free server over the internet that had instructions on how to build web pages and any other information I would need.
           I have continued the effort to complete our photo mosaics by the end of this month. Although the entire trench will not be completed, we should have enough for me to begin the reconstruction's. I intend to have at least one completed for the internship meeting on August 5th. The reconstruction's will be difficult because we are using a new method, but I look forward to developing this technique. Tim and I will be leaving tomorrow (Saturday) to go out to the site. We will continue the arguments for and against earthquake evidence and finish the missing pieces of our trench logs. Since the site is four hours away we will not be back until Monday evening. I hope to finish the trench logs by next week using the new data collected over the week-end.
  There is a lot of work to be done for this project, and at times I do admit I feel overwhelmed. However I am confident in my abilities to successfully complete the reconstruction's and presentation by the end of September. I know that the next two months will a challenge to met the deadlines I have been setting for myself. My goal is to finish at least one reconstruction a week, starting the week of July 26th and finishing by the end of August. I know that this will prove difficult but with Tim's help I should be able to accomplish my goals. Some of the mosaics will have more complex faulting than others and these reconstruction's may take longer. I think this project will make a very interesting presentation for both the internship and annual meetings. I am very excited of the August 5th meeting when I will meet the other interns and learn more about our final projects and presentations.
That's all for this week - I am looking forward to my field work this weekend out in the extremely hot temperatures of the Mojave Desert!