Quick Leroy

Artist history
Quick Leroy is a funk/rock five piece formed by Dan Elkins and Brian Gallo in 1996 at Drew University (Madison, NJ). In their formative stage QL played at various New Jersey colleges and clubs but didn't achieve their signature sound until 1998 when Jordan Simms, former classmate of Elkins, joined the band. He brought his talents on the keys, harmonica and vocals, while former guitarist Gallo took up the bass. After recording their first demo at Troposphere Studios (Livingston, NJ), Quick Leroy gathered a fan following in and around upstate New York. There QL played such venues as Styleene's (Syracuse) and The Lion's Den (NYC), and was the house band at Another Level (Syracuse, formerly Hungry Charlie's) throughout the spring of '99.Over a year ago, QL moved to San Francisco to establish a presence in the Bay Area. But due to relocation the band was without a drummer until meeting Marcus Bogue, percussionist and DJ, in May '00. The four soon began weekly performances at a local cafe during spring '00. In San Francisco, Quick Leroy has been supported by the efforts of Martin in providing lyrics as well as general management, and the graphic design of Payne and Williams. Last summer QL completed independent recording and production of their new EP "It's About Time".Quick Leroy plays a funk-flavored improvisational rock, from an extensive repertoire of original songs as well as new arrangements. Members of the band are influenced by diverse musical backgrounds from electronic to reggae to folk. Currently QL aims to expand its live presence in the SF Bay Area and the West Coast at large. They have recently been graced with the assistance of guitarist Armando Perez from Chicago's Freeform Sessions. See Calendar notes for a message from the new QL Family member.

Web Presence:

Quick Leroy @mp3.com , Family Tree Connections