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Killer Klown

Name: The Killer Klown
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hometown: The Dark Karnival

The wrestler known only as the Killer Klown was discovered by Commissioner Gozinia while attending a traveling carnival in Guyandotte, W.Va. The boy had traveled like a gypsy his whole life and his maniacal  father/carnival owner would paint his face and make him wrestle monkeys for the entertainment of the crowds. After one night when he accidentally broke one of the valuable ape's legs in a submission move, his father relentlessly beat him. Commissioner Dick Gozinia intervened and bought the boy's freedom by smashing the man over the head with a case of Milwaukee's Best Ice beer. Now competing in the BCW, the Klown loves his freedom and beating on wrestlers such as Ice Man, BJ the BA, Ricky the Rocket Ramirez, and Mephisto.