


[Or how about this HONEY-ORANGE BUTTER from The Daily Oklahoman, June 1936?- Editor]

Cream 1/3 cup butter . Add the rind of 1 orange , finely grated (omit the pulp; it is bitter). Mix together and gradually add 1/2 cup of honey . Whip together and keep on hand to use on hot toast.

Think of this recipe when the tomato vines in your garden are laden:

Allow 2 thin slices of bacon and 1 whole medium-sized tomato for each serving. [The bacon strips must be long enough to encircle each tomato.] Half-fry the bacon and lay 2 slices crisscross. Remove a thin slice from the bud end of each tomato so it will stand and settle it in the middle of the cross.

Add salt and pepper and a bit of mustard to each tomato. Close the bacon ends over the top, fastening them down through the stem end of the tomato with a toothpick. Dust the tomatoes with brown sugar . Bake in a preheated 450° F. oven for about 20 minutes, or until the bacon is crisp and the tomatoes are heated through. Top with a slice of Bread and Butter pickle and nestle into a bed of fluffy cooked rice . This may also be cooked under the broiler, if you watch carefully.

- Aunt Susan’s 1941 Cooking School

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