

The Best from Helen Corbitt's Kitchens"

Try the following recipe on summer fruit salads:

"I cannot get by without Poppy Seed Dressing though I'm personally tired
of it....Where it originated I have no idea....Rumors extend hither and yon
that I created it; I hasten to deny this; but I did popularize it when I
realized that on the best grapefruit in the whole wide world (Texas
grapefruit), it was the most delectable dressing imaginable.....The recipe I
use has been in demand to the point of being ludicrous and, strange as it
may seem, the men like it¾a few even put it on their potatoes. So here it

3 1/2 cups

1 1/2 cups sugar

2 teaspoons dry mustard

2 teaspoons salt

2/3 cup [white] vinegar

3 tablespoons [fresh] onion juice

2 cups vegetable oil (but never olive oil)

3 tablespoons poppy seeds

"Mix sugar, mustard, salt and vinegar. Add onion juice and stir it in
thoroughly. Add oil slowly, beating constantly, and continue to beat until
thick. Add poppy seeds and beat for a few more minutes. Store in a cool
place or the refrigerator, but not near the freezing coil....If the dressing
separates, pour off the clear part and start all over, adding the poppy-seed
mixture slowly, but it will not separate unless it becomes too cold or too

[It is easier to make this in an electric blender, using medium speed.
Half a recipe is the right amount for most home blenders.--Editor]

"I like to eat [this] as a dessert with a cold Delicious apple. Try it.

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