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Concord Summer 2002 Survey

Hi you all,

Thanks to everyone who voted in the last survey to help make the determination that the next Little Men Convention would be in Concord in 2002.  I'm already very excited about visiting Louisa May Alcott's house, Walden Pond, some other transcendentalist sights, and whatever else ends up on the itinerary.  There are tons of sites for us to visit.  There's enough to do in that area that my family and I might take an extra week to see New York, the statue of Liberty, Niagara Falls, and maybe go into Montreal.   The last convention was awesome.  We can invite the cast members, although I can't make any guarantees that any of them will be able to travel the long distance to make it to this convention.   Some of you have asked about visiting the set again. Unfortunately, the set is torn down except for a museum where Dr. Pierce's office and the blacksmith shop from "Looking Forward" are located.  Also many of you have expressed your enthusiasm for a convention in Concord to visit the Louisa May Alcott sights, which was evident in the survey results.

Now that we have that very basic information down, we need to start picking out the specifics.  First and foremost on the agenda is to determine the exact dates, and that is the purpose of the following very short survey.  Please keep in mind that many people are still in school during June and August, which makes July a popular vacation month.  I have browsed some sites for Boston on the 4th of July, and it sounds like that is a neat place to be on the fourth of July.  The fourth of July falls on a Thursday in 2002, and last year we had an "unofficial" convention event on a Thursday where 13 of us met for dinner, so I could see us meeting on Thursday night and watching fireworks.  I read that they use some neat technology to launch fireworks every 1.5-2.5 sec., so it sounds to me like they put on an awesome show.   The other advantage to having the convention the weekend of the 4th of July is that many people have time off from work then, so fewer people would have to use vacation days.  However, the 4th is a common time for visiting family and friends, so you all will have to examine your schedules and see what dates are best for you.  And yes, please do examine your schedules and make sure that the date you vote for is open.  If the best that you can give us is a guess for when you'll be free that is subject to change, then that's perfect!!  If it helps to view a calendar on-line, then please click here.

[FrontPage Save Results Component]

After you have checked your schedule, choose which month you want the Little Men 2002 Concord Summer Convention to held.   Then find that month in the pull down menus below and choose the weekend that best matches your schedule.  There is a "no preference" option, but please try to narrow down a date.  If June, July, and August absolutely do not match your schedule, then select "neither" and select the month that you prefer.



Thanks for your time and effort, and I hope to see you in Concord this summer,
Dan M.

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