Vocabulary List:
Abracadabra-A magickal spell using one word, which was popular during the Middle Ages.  It's origins are unknown, but it may have been created to cure the Emperor of a fever.
Aeromancy-The prediction of future events.
Aka-I found five definitions, none of which has much to do with magick or paganism.  1-A.K.A.-Also Known As.  2-Aka-Zwahilli for Zebra.  3-A vine in New Zealand  4-The chemical compound symbol for Francion.  The cord between the astral body and the physical body, most likely this concept is derived from the biblical reference to a "silver cord" connected the body and the soul. I think I'll stick with door number five, he-he.
Akasha-The fifth element.  Spirit.  
Akashic Records- An imagined spiritual realm, supposedly holding a record of all events, actions, thoughts and feelings that have ever occurred or will ever occur.  Theosophists believe that the Akasha is an "astral light" containing occult records which spiritual beings can perceive by their special "astral senses" and "astral bodies". Clairvoyance, spiritual insight, prophecy and many other untestable metaphysical and religious notions are made possible by tapping into the Akasha.
Alchemist-One who practices Alchemy.
Alchemy-An ancient pseudoscience concerned with the transmutation of base metals, the more reactive metals, into gold</B>.  <B>(During the Middle Ages).
Alexandrian Tradition-A tradition of Wicca created by Alex Sanders.
Alignment-Creating a straight line within ones self to connect to certain powers in the Universe.
Altar-A flat surface on which all ritual tools, symbols and objects are placed that will be used the spells and/or rituals.
Amulet-Ornament, gems, scrolls, etc., worn as a protective charm against evil.  They are often inscribed with magickal incantations, (Ie: abracadabra).
Animism-A belief that natural objects, phenomenon and the universe itself possess a soul.  Or a belief in spiritual beings.
Aradia-Italian Queen of the Witches.  Protector of all Witches.
Archetype-A collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.  Or a prototype, model, original design to be followed.
Arthurian Tradition-A Wicca Tradition based on the legends of King Arthur.
Asatru-An old Norse word which means Troth (loyalty) to the Gods.
Aspecting-A manifestation of the Goddess or the God having its own name, appearance, qualities, attributes, and mythology.
Asperger-A ritual tool used to sprinkle water for purification purposes.
Astral Plane-The plane of existence closest to dreaming.
Astology-Astrology, in its traditional form, is a type of divination based on the theory that the positions and movements of celestial bodies (stars, planets, sun, and moon) at the time of birth profoundly influence a person's life.
Athame-A ritual knife, generally two sided blade with a black handle.  In some traditions, it is a single edged nine inch blade with a white handle.  Rarely if ever used for cutting.  Represents, generally, fire or air element.
Attune-An activity which brings the minds, emotions, and psyches of a group into harmony prior to ritual: chanting, singing, guided meditation, and breathing exercises are common ways to attune.
Augury-The art or practice of an augur.  (Interpreting omens for guidance).
Aura-A colored outline, or set of contiguous outlines, emanating from the surface of an object.
Balefire-A fire lit for magickal purposes, usually outdoors. Balefires are traditional on Yule, Beltane and Midsummer.
Beltane-Celebrates the symbolic union, mating or marriage of the Goddess and God, and links in with the approaching summer months.  A Festival.
Besom-A ritual broom used for sweeping away energies among other things.
Binding-To magickally restrain one from an action or deed, usually done to protect one from harm.
Blessed Be-This phrase originated as part of a ritual.  It can be used as a formal greeting.
Blood Moon-When the Moon appears "red" or bloody.  Generally seen as a bad omen.
Blood of the Moon-A woman's menstrual cycle. Should this cycle occur over a Full Moon or New Moon, she is far more powerful than during any other time of the month, as long as she acknowledges this strength within herself.
Boline-The white-handled knife, used in magick and ritual for carving or cutting materials necessary for ritual or healing. It is also sometimes used for harvesting herbs, and will sometimes have a small silver sickle-shaped blade.
Book of Shadows-A witch's book of spells, rituals, magickal lore. Much akin to a magickal cookbook. Also known as a BOS.  To be passed down to next generation in most traditions.
Broom Closet-A new terminology associated with someone coming out publicly about their chosen path.  Or a place to store brooms.
Burning Times-The period of European history roughly between 1200 and 1700 CE, during which the Church of Rome launched the Inquisition, an organized campaign of extermination against Jews, heretics, Pagans, women and homosexuals. The most conservative estimate is that 60,000 may have been killed; estimates range as high as 9 million.  
Caballa-The Cabala is a collection of esoteric writings of various rabbis and a few medieval Christians, consisting of mystical and numerological interpretations of Hebrew scriptures.
Candlemas-(A.K.A. Imbolc <----see there it is, he-he) When German settlers arrived in the 1700s, they brought a tradition known as Candlemas Day, which has an early origin in the pagan celebration of Imbolc.  It came at the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.  Superstition held that if the weather was fair, the second half of Winter would be stormy and cold.  For the early Christians in Europe, it was the custom on Candlemas Day for clergy to bless candles and distribute them to the people in the dark of Winter.  A lighted candle was placed in each window of the home.  The day's weather continued to be important.  If the sun came out February 2, halfway between Winter and Spring, it meant six more weeks of wintry weather.  A.K.A. (there it is again) Ground Hogs Day.
Cantrip-Mainly Scottish in origin.  A magick spell or "trick" by sorcery.
Cardinal Points-The four chief points on a compass.  The directions or quarters.
Catharsis-The purging of emotions or emotional tensions.
Cauldron-This is used to make brews, contain a ritual fire, used for scrying. Can be four-legged or three-legged. It represents the womb of the Goddess, as in Cerridwen's cauldron named Aven, or the source of all plenty, as in the Dagda's cauldron. Most modern practitioners use it either as a symbol, to cook in for Sabbat feasts, to burn things in as part of a spell, for scrying, etc.
Celts-An ax of stone or metal without perforations or grooves, for hafting.  Or, a member of an Indo-European people now represented chiefly by the Irish, Gaels, Welsh, and Bretons.
Censer-This is a heatproof container in which incense is smoldered. An incense burner.
Centering-The process of moving one's consciousness to one's spiritual center, leading to a feeling of great peace, calmness, strength, clarity and stability.
Chakras-They are nexi, focal points of the human energy field. Energy centers, sometimes described as 'organs in the spiritual body' and awakening them is a process of spiritual enlightenment. There are traditionally seven major chakras, as well as many smaller ones. Being able to sense and influence the chakras is an important form of healing.
Chalice-This is used to consecrate drinks during rituals, such as The Simple Feast. It is both a symbol of Water and the womb.
Channeling-Channeling is a process whereby an individual (the "channeler") claims to have been invaded by a spirit entity which speaks through the channeler.
Chant-This can be a rhyme, sometimes called a rune, intoned rhythmically to raise power. Such rhymes can be simple and repetitive, it makes them easier to remember, but it is not a requirement.
Chi-The Chinese word used to describe "the natural energy of the Universe".
Cheiromancy-Or Palmistry is the practice of telling fortunes from the lines, marks, and patterns on the palms of the hands.
Circle-A sphere of protection.
Cleansing-To remove negative or unwanted energy from an object, person, or location.
Cone of Power-A term for the raising and directing of a spiral of psychic energy in rituals and spell working.
Conjure-To conjure is to summon a deity or spirit by invocation or incantation.   Conjuring is the art of legerdemain, of magical tricks, of performance of feats seemingly requiring the assistance of supernatural powers or forces.
Consecration-Consecration means dedication to some sacred purpose. This is usually done to the ritual tools as a method of cleansing them.
Circle of Power-A magickal circle created to contain and use power.  Most Norse, Druidic and Celt traditions use this.  Sealing and opening the circle with an athame or other ritual blade.
Corn Dolly-A figure, often human-shaped, created by plaiting dried wheat or other grains. It represents the fertility of the Earth and the Goddess in early European agricultural rituals and is still used in Witchcraft. Corn dollies aren't made from cobs or husks; corn originally referred to any grain other than maize and still does in most English-speaking countries, except the United States.
Correspondences-A system of symbolic equivalence's used in magick.  Can include herbs, colors, astrological, oils, planets, etc.
Coven-This is a group of Wiccans or Witches, usually initiatory and led by one or two leaders. They range in size from three to twenty or more, though most covens limit their size to thirteen. Covens are self-governing and vary widely in their styles and interests. Some covens are affiliated with a particular tradition of the Craft, while others are eclectic.
Covenstead-The home of a Coven.
Cowan-A person not of Wiccan beliefs, trying to fake the beliefs. A derogatory word for a "fake pagan"; a fool who doesn't know what they are talking about.
Craft-A modernized term for the practice of Wicca or Witchcraft.
Crone-Generally a woman in the third stage of her life.  Past child bearing years and after or during menopause.  Also the "older" phase of the goddess.  Some definitions vary on the age that a woman enters this stage of her life.
Croning-Ritual celebrating those who have come into "full wisdom" .  Generally done around the age of 50 for women.  Men are known as Sages.
Cross Quarters-The midpoints of the seasons, they are four of the Sabbats, or holidays, which fall between the Sabbats at the Quarters.  Or the calling of the Quarters from the opposing Quarter.  
Cunning Man-A name applied to "white witches" who possess psychic and healing powers and provide cures, remedies, charms, spells and divination, usually in exchange for a fee or gift.
Curse-A curse is a prayer or invocation expressing a wish that harm, misfortune, injury, great evil, etc., be brought upon another person, place, thing, clan, nation, etc.
Daemon- A subordinate deity, as the genius of a place or a person's attendant spirit.  Another term for Demon.
Days of Power-Generally referring to the Sabbats.
Degree-Levels of initiation representing spiritual or magickal development as well as skill, knowledge, and experience.
Deosil-Clockwise circle, following the sun and moon's motion in the sky. It represents the creation or building of positive energy. It is opposite of Widdershins.
Divination-The magickal art of discovering the unknown by interpreting random patterns or symbols through the use of tools such as clouds, tarot cards, flames, and smoke. Divination contacts the Psychic Mind by drowsing the Conscious Mind through Ritual and observation or of manipulation of tools.
Dracomancy-The practice of a form a Dragon/blood magick.
Drake-A Dragon, usually a youngster.
Drawing Down the Moon-The bringing of the Goddess power into one's self
by concentrating on the Moons energy.
Druid-The druids were the "wise men" of the Celts. Their beliefs were esoteric and passed on orally. Their practices, for the most part, were not public.  They were the intellectual elite of the Celtic people.
Earthing-Sending excess energy into the Earth; done in ritual after power has been raised and sent to its goal. (A.K.A. Grounding.)
Earth Magick-Manifested Divine power found in natural things.  Energy which exists within the stones, herbs, flames, wind and other natural objects.
Eclectic-A mixture of beliefs borrowed from traditions and theologies to suit an individuals needs in their chosen path.
Elemental-Pertaining to the agencies, forces, or phenomena of physical nature: elemental gods.  Or pertaining to, or of the nature of the four elements, earth, water, air, and fire, or of any one of them.
Elements-The elements are Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. These four essences are the building blocks of the universe. Everything that exists (or that has the potential to exist) contains one or more of these energies. The elements hum within us and are also "at large" in the world. They can be utilized to cause change through Magick. The elements formed from the primal essence or power - Akasha.
Elixir-1) A sweetened, aromatic solution of alcohol and water containing, or used as a vehicle for, medicinal substances. 2) Also called "elixir of life", an alchemic preparation formerly believed to be capable of prolonging life.
3) An alchemic preparation formerly believed to be capable of transmuting base metals into gold. 4) The quintessence or absolute embodiment of anything.  5) A panacea; cure-all, a sovereign remedy.
Empowerment-To give power or authority to another.  To enable or permit another or an action.
Enchantment-The art, act or instance of enchanting.  To be under a "spell" as opposed to a curse.
Esbat-A ritual occurring on a Full Moon.
Etin-A race of wise, powerful, yet dangerous giants in Norse mythos.  They dwelt in mountains, glaciers and other lands not suitable for humans.  They often work against the Gods and Goddesses.
Evocation-Calling up spirits or other nonphysical entities, either to visible appearance or invisible attendance.
Faery-Small, winged humanoid protectors of the forests.
Familiar-An animal or spirit of an animal that aides a Witch in her magick.
Fate-Destiny, the inevitable.  The three Goddesses who preside over fate are, Clotho, Lachesis, and Artopos.
Folk Magick-Magickal workings done according to the customs of a cultural group.  
Full Moon-The time when the Moon is seen at it's fullest in the night sky.  A time for Esbats.  Working days.   The Moon in it's "mother" phase.
Furies-Greek and Roman mythology, three daughters of Mother Earth, conceived from the blood of Uranus, when Kronos castrated him. They were powerful divinities that personified conscience and punished crimes against kindred blood, especially matricide. They were usually represented as winged women with serpent hair. Their names were Megaera [jealous], Tisiphone [blood avenger], and Alecto [unceasing in pursuit]. When called upon to act, they hounded their victims until they died in a "furor" of madness or torment.
Futhark-The runic alphabet.
Gardnerian Tradition-A tradition of Wicca founded by Gerald Gardener.
Glamour-Magick or enchantment, a spell or witchery.
Glyph-A pictograph or sculpted figure.  A symbol.
Gnome-Small subterranean humanoids associated with mines and quarries. Gnomes are said to be guardians of hidden treasures.
Gods-Male divine equal counterparts of goddesses.  The male personifications of deity.  Immortal and worshipped by followers.
Grammary-Magick that is written generally includes, sigils, signs and/or symbols.
Great Rite-Generally the initiation into third degree.  Can be sexual in nature, but can also be done symbolically.
Grimoire-A magickal book containing spells, rituals, tools, etc.  Like a book of shadows, possibly the older term for a BOS.
Grounding-Psychically reinforcing one's connections with the Earth, by reopening an energy channel between the aura and the Earth.  Sending excess energy back to the earth, the God and the Goddess.
Grove-A sacred circle of trees where groups met, usually in secret to perform rights, rituals and workings.
Gypsy-A member of a nomadic, Caucasoid people of generally swarthy complexion, who migrated originally from India, settling in various parts of Asia, Europe, and, most recently, North America.  Traditionally ascribed freedom or inclination to move from place to place.
Hallows, Halloween-Another term for Samhain.
Handfasting-a Wiccan/Pagan/Gypsy wedding. Unlike a marriage "until death do you part", a handfasting will stop, if the love stops. THREE HANDFASTINGS TYPES:1) a year and a day 2) a lifetime 3) time and eternity.
Handparting-Similar to a seperation or divorce, symbolically the cutting of the binds, ties and "vows" created by a handfasting.
Haruspicy-Using animal entrails for divination.
Heathen-One who practices by the hearth.  Generally a Pagan, one who does not believe in the Christian God, can be used as a derogatory term.
Hedge Wizard-One who practices rituals that has little or no formal training.
Heptogram-A seven-pointed star drawn with one unbroken line.  Seven being perceived as a magickal number. Which is important not only to the seven traditional astrological planets but also to the seven planes and subplanes and the seven chakras.
Hereditary Witch-A person who is a descendant of and learned from other Witches with the same blood line. (Generally).
Hermetic-Ancient metaphysical workings dealing essentially with the idea of the complete community of all beings and objects. Hermetic orders study a variety of subjects, including magic, astrology, and alchemy.
Hex-Witchcraft or one who works it. The word is of German origin, and beliefs connected with it spread from Europe to the United States, especially to the Pennsylvania Dutch country. The hex can be worked by either sex, but more commonly by a man, usually an amateur or professional hex "doctor." Such a person is thought to be able to control the forces of nature, cure sickness, and thwart the intentions of evildoers by means of magic formulas handed down from the Middle Ages and from gypsy practitioners. The colorful, geometric hex signs found on Pennsylvania Dutch barns are meant to protect the animals within from malicious curses, spells, and the evil eye.
Hexcraft-Pow-Wow magick.  Pennsylvania Dutch Magick.
Hierophant-A priest of the mysteries who reveals his secrets only to his initiates.
High Magick-Ceremonial magick that involves the use and actions of deities and/or spirits.
High Priest-The primary male leader within a coven. Usually a third degree initiate who either helped found the coven, was chosen by the High Priestess, or was elected by the members.
High Priestess-The primary female leader within a coven. Usually a third degree initiate who either founded the coven, or was elected by the members.
High Self-Non-physical, true self. The enlightened, "actual" persona of the individual.  Not what one thinks they are or seems to be, but the true actuality of self.
Horned God-The Father God of Pagans.  Known by many names, most generally refereed to as Cerrnenos.  Often mistaken for the Christian entity Satan.
Hydromancy-Divination by use of liquids, most often water.
Imbolc-Sabbat celebrated on February second.  A.K.A. Candlemas or Groundhogs Day.
Incantations-The verbal or spoken part of a spell or working.
Initiate-A person who has entered into a coven or other group by undergoing a rite of entry.
Initiation-Admission ceremony for an initiate to gain entry into a coven or circle. Generally an oath is taken and taken in secrecy.
Invocation-Generally an acknowledgment of a deity or deities and a request that they be present for the working.  The bringing of a divine power from the exterior into a ritual or magickal working through chant, invitation or prayer.
Karma-A belief that all you do, good, bad or indifferent will come back to you eventually.  It is sometimes used to explain injustice and indifference.
Kitchen Witch-One who practices magick in the kitchen or on the stove top.  One who uses kitchen objects in place of ritual items.
Kitchen Magick-A practical form of modernized Wicca that uses kitchenware in place of ritual tools.  
Lamen-Magickal symbols inscribed on a metal disk and worn during rituals.
Lammas-Sabbat celebrated on August first.  Summer Solstice.
Left-Handed Path-A phrase used to describe people who do magick that is self serving and frivolous.
Levitation-A phenomenon that suspends the body in the air without physical aid.
Lithomancy-Doing divination with the use of stones.
Lughnassadh-Another name for Lammas.
Lupercalia-Ancient Roman festival held annually on Feb. 15. The ceremony of the festival was intended to secure fertility and keep out evil. Two male youths, clad in animal skin, ran around the city slapping passersby with strips of goat skin. Because the youths impersonated male goats (the embodiment of sexuality), the ceremony was believed to be in honor of Faunus.
Mabon-Sabbat celebrated in early autumn.  The Autumn Equinox.
Macrosm-The great universe or World.
Mage-A master of magick, who tool is the mind.
Magick-The movement of natural energies (such as personal power) to create needed change. Energy exists within all things - ourselves, plants, stones, colors, sounds, and movements. Magick is the process of rousting or building up this energy, giving it purpose and realizing it. Magick is natural, not supernatural, practice.
Maiden-1) One of the aspects of the triple goddess (maiden, mother, crone) symbolised by the waxing moon, creation, and the time between Beltane and Imbolc.  2) The name of one of the members of a coven, generally the assistant to the High Priestess.
Manifest-Make clear or evident to the eye or the understanding or to show plainly.
Meditation-This refers to reflection, contemplation, turning inward toward the self or outward toward Deity or Nature. A Quiet time in which the practitioner may dwell upon particular thoughts or symbols, or allow them to come unbidden.
Merry Meet-To give a greeting.  A pagan or Wiccan greeting.  Like rednecks say howdy.
Merry Part-A phrase that means good-bye.  Like surfers say later dude.
Metaphysics-A field of abstract thoughts and philosophies about topics not on a solid, concrete or physical level of understanding.
Microcosm-The lesser world or universe.  The parallel of the greater universe or world.  (opposite of Macrosm).
Midsummer-Sabbat celebrated in June.  A.K.A. Litha.
Mojo-A small pouch usually worn around the neck.  Charged with specific energies to attain a goal.
Monotheistic-A belief in one god.  
Muses-Greek mythology, patron goddesses of the arts, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. Originally only three, they were later considered as nine. Calliope was the Muse of epic poetry and eloquence; Euterpe, of music or of lyric poetry; Erato, of the poetry of love; Polyhymnia (or Polymnia), of oratory or sacred poetry; Clio, of history; Melpomene, of tragedy; Thalia, of comedy; Terpsichore, of choral song and dance; Urania, of astronomy. Some say that Apollo was their leader. The springs of Castalia, Aganippe, and Hippocrene were sacred to them.
Mythos-The underlying system of beliefs, especially those dealing with supernatural forces. The characteristic of a particular cultural group.
Native American-The indigenous peoples of North America.  A.K.A. American Indians.
Neo-Pagan-Literally, "new-Pagan". A member, follower or sympathizer of one of the newly formed Pagan religions now spreading throughout the world.
New Age-A term popularized in the 1980s to describe a divergent set of beliefs and practices that are an outgrowth of the counterculture of the 1960s and 70s in the United States. Adherents believe that a new "Age of Aquarius" is dawning in which humans and society will be transformed; the new age movement encompasses a wide range of ideas, including personal growth, holistic medicine, reincarnation, astrology, healing crystals, and pyramids. In music, new age refers to meditative, relaxing, usually instrumental styles.
Norns-Norse Fates. Like the Fates of Greek mythology, the Norns spun and wove the web of life. Belief in the Norns was of great importance in Germanic religion and life. It was said that no one, not even the gods, could escape their fate. The Norns were usually three in number-Urth or Wyrd (the past), Verthandi (the present), and Skuld (the future). The three weird sisters of destiny in Shakespeare's Macbeth are probably Scottish equivalents of the Norns.
Norse-Pertaining to ancient Scandinavia, its inhabitants, language, mythos, beliefs.  
OBE-Out of Body Experience.
Occult-The study and science of things  secret, paranormal, esoteric, and supernatural.  
Odinhism-A Norse tradition with beliefs based on the worship of the God Odin.
Ogham-The magickla Celtic alphabet made up of 20 letters, represented by trees, the letters are called fews.
Old Religion-A term referring to ancient paganism.  Wicca descended from Witchcraft, Witchcraft descended from the Old Religion.
Omen-A small yet significant sudden occurrence that is seen as a sign of good or evil.
Ostara-The Sabbat the is celebrated for the beginning of Spring.
Pagan-From the Latin pagans, "country-dweller". Today used as a general term for the followers of Wicca and other magickal and shamanistic and polytheistic religions.
Pagandom-The part of the world inhabited by pagans.
Paganism-Generally referred to as an Earth based religion.  Any religion not of Christian origins.
Pallamancy-Divination using a pendulum.
Pantheon-A particular religious hierarchy of gods and/or goddesses.  Celtic pantheon, Greek pantheon, etc.
Pendulum-A divinatory device consisting of a string attacked to a heavy object, such as quartz crystal, root or ring. The free end of the string is held in the hand, the elbow steadied against a flat surface and a question is asked. The movement of the heavy object's swing determines the answer. A rotation indicates "yes" or positive energy. A back and forth swing signals the opposite. (There are many methods of deciphering the pendulum's movements; use those that work best for you.) It is a tool that contacts the psychic mind.
Pentacle-A ritual object (usually a circular piece of wood, metal, clay, etc.) upon which a five pointed star (Pentagram) is inscribed, painted, or engraved. It represents the Element of Earth. The words "pentagram" and "pentacle" are not interchangeable, though they understandable cause some confusion.
Pentagram-A five pointed star drawn with a single line. Upright, it resembles a human figure, with spirit taking the highest importance. Inverted it is often considered a Satanic symbol. This is not always the case. In some traditions, an inverted pentagram is a sign used by second degree initiates to symbolize their progress and the facing of the "dark" side of life. When inverted, it represents the elements taking precedence over spirit.
Pecti-Wita-Worshiping and invoking Pan & the Fates exclusively in Pecti-Wita rites.
Philter-Generally a love potion, could just be a potion though.
Polytheistic-Worshiping a pantheon of deities as opposed to a singular deity.
Pyromancy-Divining by use of fire.
Qaballa-Metaphysical practices based on the Judaic Qabalistic texts.  Also called "Cabala" or "Kabbala" . This is applicable to ritual magick and some Wiccan traditions ignore it completely. Receptive Hand - The left-hand in right-handed persons, the reverse for left-handed persons. This is the hand through which energy is received into the body. Compare with Projective Hand. Reincarnation - This speaks of the doctrine of rebirth. The process of repeated incarnations in human form to allow evolution of the sexless, ageless soul.
Quarter Days-The Solstices and Equinoxes.
Quarters-The four Solstices.  Also the four directions, north, south, east, west.
Rede-A rule, guide, law or tenant that most Witches or Wiccans follow as their main "rule'.
Reincarnation-The doctrine of rebirth of the spirit or the process of repeated lives in the physical form, to allow the evolution of the soul.
Requiem-The ceremony celebrating the repose of the souls of the dead.
 Any musical service, hymn, or dirge for the repose of the dead.
Right-Handed Path-A term used to describe someone who uses magick for the good or benefit of others.
Rite-A ritual, usually of passage.
Ritual-A specific form of movement, manipulation of objects or inner process designed to produce desired effects. In religion, ritual is geared toward union with the divine. In Magick it produces a specific state of consciousness which allows the magician to move energy toward needed goals.
Rowan-A sacred tree.
Runes-A divination tool.  Many kinds are used.  From stones to carved wood.  Most have symbols or letters on them.  They a read in different manners.
Sabbat Salamander-Using the fire elemental being of the salamander during a ritual Sabbat.
Saging-To cleanse an area of negativity by use of sage.
Scrying-A form of divination using a reflective surface.
Seining-An act, generally by parents, to promise to raise thier children on a chosen path.  Sometimes called Paganing or Wiccaning.  Similar to a Christian baptism.
Shamanism-The practice of shamans, usually ritualistic or magickal in nature, sometimes religious. The Shaman is described as a man or woman who has obtained knowledge of the subtler dimensions of the Earth, usually through periods of alternate states of consciousness. Various types of rituals allow the Shaman to pierce the veil of the physical world and to change his or her world through Magick.
Shapeshifting-An esoteric practice that involves changing from human to animal form, done for the most part on the astral plane, but some undocumented cases have been said to have occurred on the physical plane.
Showstone-A.K.A. a crystal ball.  Used for divining.
Sigil-A magickal glyph or seal.
Skyclad-This is a picturesque phrase for nudity. The body is special and so Wiccans may choose to perform their rites naked, it is not a requirement, but an option of choice.
Solitary-One who practices alone.
So Mote It Be-A phrase that literally means, And it shall be.  Done usually at the close of a ritual or working.
Sorcery-Is literally, divination by casting lots (from the Latin sortiarius, one who casts lots). Sorcery is also often identified with witchcraft and magick. Sorcery is often associated with using magick potions and casting spells.
Soul-A soul or spirit is a nonphysical entity capable of perception, self-awareness, and life. Souls are often believed to be immortal.
Spell-A magickal ritual, prayer, or act wherein a person actively bends and gives directive to natural energies for a needed purpose.
Spell Casting-The creation of spells by writing outlines, arranging correspondences, and authoring incantations, then acting upon them.  
Spirits-Entities which are free from physical form.
Strega-Italian witchcraft. The tradition began in the mid-14th Century with the teachings of Aradia, the Holy Strega. This was based upon a much earlier system of beliefs, dating back to the pre-Etruscian Italians.
Summerland-A resting place for souls.
Summons-An authoritative command, message, or signal by which a person, entity or deity is called forth.
Sylph-An Air elemental.
Symbol-A sign representing something, such as a deity, element, etc.
Synchronicity-The state of being in harmony with someone, oneself or other things.
Talisman-An object, such as an amethyst crystal, ritually Charged with power to attract a specific force or energy to its bearer.  Much like a charm or amulet.
Tarot-A deck of cards used to determine past, present or future event.    
tarot cards The modern tarot deck has been traced back to fifteenth century Italy and a trick-taking game called triumphs (tarots in French).[Decker] The traditional tarot deck consists of two sets of cards, one (the major arcana) having 22 pictures, such as the Fool, the Devil, Temperance, the Hermit, the Sun, the Lovers, the Juggler, the Hanged Man and Death. The other set has 56 cards (the minor arcana) with kings (or lords), queens (or ladies), knights, and knaves (pages or servants) of sticks (or wands, cudgels or batons) , swords, cups and coins. Gypsies didn't begin using tarot cards until the twentieth century. Today, there are many different tarot decks used in cartomancy.  The meanings of the figures and numbers on tarot cards vary greatly among tarot readers and advocates, many of whom find connections between tarot and the cabala, astrology, the I Ching, ancient Egypt, and various other occult and mystical notions.
Tasseography-Divination by the reading of tea leaves.
Telekeneisis-The movement of objects by scientifically inexplicable means, as by the exercise of an occult power.
Telepathy-Nonverbal communication between two minds.
Thelema-A tradition that combines methods and traditions of both East and West: the Ageless Wisdom of Asia's yoga and of Europe's Hermetic Qabalah.
Theurgy-Magick involving the use of divine spirits.
Third Eye-Located in the middle of the forehead.  Used to "see" psychically.
Threefold Law-This refers to something happening three times over its original intentions.  Originated by Gerald Gardner, this belief states that anything you do, good or bad, will come back to you just as powerfully, but multiplied three times, as the original intention was sent out.
Titan- Classified as a mythological being.  Any of the sons of Uranus and Gaea, including Coeus, Crius, Cronus, Hyperion, Lapetus, and Oceanus. Also, the female version would be Titaness.  Any of the sisters of these, including Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Rhea, Tethys, Themis, and Thia.  Also any of the offspring of the children of Uranus and Gaea.   One of the Moons of Saturn.  Or a person or thing of enormous size, strength, power or influence.
Totem Animal Tradition-Based on native American spirituality.  An animal spirit guide who chooses to accompany, help and guide you on your path.
Transmutation-The changing of base metals or elements into precious metals.  Alchemy.
Tree Calendar-A Celtic calendar that has thirteen lunar months each of which is represented by a sacred tree.
Teutons-Descendants of the Asatru.
Ulalation-The part of a chant or incantation which must have full vocal power and volume.
Uncasting-To open a ritual circle after the ritual has ended.
Underworld-The region below the surface of the earth.  Or the criminal element of society, had to put that in, living in Holly Hill.  : )
Unmanisfest-The unknown source of existence, it is said that magicians take their power from the unmanifest to use it within the manifest.
Valhalla-The great hall of Odin into which the souls of heroes slain in battle and others who have died bravely are received. The Norse Summerland.
Vampirism-The practice of subsisting on another's vitality.  A life force is generally used, such as blood.
Veil of Unknowing-The boundary between the worlds.
Virtues-During divine creation of objects, there properties are there virtues.
Visualization-To form a clear mental image of a person, object or goal.
Vodou-An African based polytheistic religion practiced mostly in the West Indies.
Voodoo-An alternate spelling of Vodou.
Wand-A sacred tool used to conjure and direct energy. It is traditionally the length of the users forearm, from fingertips to elbow.
Waning-A lunar phase when the moon is "shrinking".  A good time to do banishing magick, like ridding oneself of bad habits.
Ward-A type of protection spell.
Warlock-A term meaning "oathbreaker".  
Watchtowers-A concept derived from ceremonial magick; the four watchtowers each represent a cardinal direction, element, elemental, and a color.
Waxing-A lunar phase when the moon is "growing".  A good time to do gainful magick.
Wheel of the Year-One full cycle of the seasons beginning in October, the new year being on Samhain.
Wicca-A modernized version of Witchcraft.
Wiccan-A person who practices Wicca.
Widdershins-Counter clockwise movement.
Wise Woman-A term used for a healing woman in Europe during the Middle Ages.
Wita-Scottish Wicca.
Witch-Someone who practices Witchcraft.
Witch Ball-A glass ball hung in windows starting around the 18th century to ward off evil.  May be the original Christmas ornament.
Witchcraft-The practice of spells and magick, often involving the worship of many deities or a supreme God and/or Goddess.
Witta-Irish Wicca.
Wizard-Male ceremonial magicians.
Word of Power-A word or name of great power.
Working-Any act involving magick or ritual.
World Tree-Another term for Yggdrasil.
Yggdrasil-The Norse tree which held up the world and the heavens; its roots led to the underworld. It provided the complex network of the universe.
Yule-A festival celebrated on or about December 21st, marking the rebirth of the Sun God from the Earth Goddess. It is a time of joy and celebration during the miseries of winter. Yule occurs on the Winter Solstice.
Yule Log-The traditional log burned at Christmas ceremonies which most likely came from a pagan tradition for Yule celebration.