WORFC - Oneonta Women's Rugby

Guess Rugger
Past Players

Heather "Ped" Peck

Hometown: Barton, NY
Number of Trys scored: One...on accident really
Favorite Rugby Memory: how i scored my first try
Hobbies: Softball, Snowmobiling, Outdoor stuff, Chillin with the chica's!
Major: Childhood/Childhood Education

Birthday: July 24
Superlatives won with WORFC: Best tackler, most inseperable friends, closest friends
Height: 5' nothing
Tattoos: One, Middle Back, Symbol for Love

Position: Flyhalf, back
Favorite Quote: It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog!
Rugby Injuries: Not bad enough to go to the ER....knock on wood
Favorite Drink up: Alumni Weekend 2004
Favorite Rugby Memory: Winning States!
Common Personal Phrase: Fuck Some Bitches Up!
Pre-Game rituals: Breakfast, Tape Ankle :)
Other: Thank God for Skip!!! Gotta Love Him!

Semesters with WORFC: 6
Goal in Rugby: For our team to win a freakin tournament
Favorite Music/Movie: Hip Hop/ Love and Basketball, Down to you
Favorite Beer: Coors Light
Biggest Fear: Losing a Loved one
Other Nicknames: Pecker, Peck
Favorite Part about Rugby: Tournaments!!! Everything about'em!


Heather Fall 2002