
"I was then 18 years of age and commenced thinking about improving my mind by attending school under good tutor-ship. One teacher by name of Kendrick and the other by the name of Dublin from the State of Ohio. I was said to be an apt learner, and, therefore, progressed pretty fast. I become acquainted with many new principles, till then un-known to me, in sciences. About this time I became a member of debating society and its vice-president. I talked pretty well then, and, I also joined Branch 63 Sons of Temperance."


"Everything seemed to be smiling, and I thought, indeed that I was on the road to distinction, when, all at once, the muttering of discordant sounds were at work. The disruption of the union appeared imminent. There the people were divided into two camps, one composed of free- soilers and the other of slave-owners. They were pretty well
divided too. Each adopted its separate Constitution as representative of their views;
about this flourished a certain figure by the name of John Brown, who, as free-soiler, with little over a dozen men invaded Harper's Ferry Arsenal, and James Lane, besides John Brown, was another conspicuous figure in the border warfares."

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