Gun Busted?

Masse's Machine Shop

Jim has fixed a few of my guns and many other's. he even scratch builds his own designs. If you have an old pump that you need fixed, or have a custom idea for it, Please E-mail him for any details
He has my FULL personal backing as far as quality goes, execptional work
Tell them the KPOG sent you

This site is dedicated to the KP-series Paintball marker by Sheridan and the players fortunate enough to have one. All stock class players are welcome to join in.

Site Created By James Helbling on 4/06/99, written completely in HTML using notepad.exe
Page hit 10,000 visitors on 2/22/00

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Chat Room Added,
  • Go Chat!

    The Offical KP Webcam
    I just got this thing, trying to find applications for it.. will be updated every 120 seconds. If I am not on the internet, it'll just show the last pic taken

    Watch me sit!.. it's fun.

  • Table of Contents:

    KPOG Stuff:

  • Kp owners list and page member list / 50 guns listed
  • Information on me and my situation. You wont believe this.
  • Links to other sites and resources
  • Stock/Pump War Stories
  • Message Board / Forum
  • KPOG Stock Chat Room

    General Informaion:

  • Information on KP-series stock class marker.
  • What is stock class paintball? Look here. (Durty Dan)

    Tech Stuff:

  • Modifications for the gun and other tech stuff
  • Disassembly of a KP-2

    Picture Galleries:

  • KP picture gallery
  • Submitted Pics
  • My Personal Gallery
  • Pictures from Canobie Big Game, Fall 99'
  • Episode #1 (Twisted) Fun with KP-2 stock class rifles
  • Episode #3 "Recovered Camera/Final Episode?"

    Click here to Contact Me

    ICQ#: 2086966

    Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook
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    Cast of Characters:

    Site Master, I do it all - James Helbling (Fishguy)
    And Kola.. He took over my brother's position on the page. He sits behind me on a stand and provides meaningless chatter while I work on the page. As you can see, he was the inspiration for the color scheme on the page. I guess you could consider him to be the "Official KPOG Mascot", I'm sure that I'll work him in somewhere.