Kosovo Commission
Home ] Up ] suckers ] Why Albaninas Fled ] Economic terrorism ] Proclamation ] Montenegro Goverment Delemna ] [ Kosovo Commission ] March 2000: Kosovo One Year Later ] Ethnical Aspects on NATO ] Ethnic Cleansing ] Europe`s Plan to Control the Balkans ] Comparison between Clinton and Hitler ] Americans are learning to accept War Crimes ] Serbs and Roma Flee KLA Terror in Kosovo ] NATO Learns for Whom It Has Won a War ] What do we do next? Massacre Serbs ] When Others Converted, Serbs Didn`t ] Who Won and Who Lost ] NATO vs UN ] Crisis in the Atlantic Alliance ] UN Security Council Draft Resolution ] Serbs Withdraw under UN Resolution ] Did the Serbs Lose (NATO view) ] NATO and Russia Breakthrough ] A Truly Heroic Resistance ] Refusing to Rebuild Bombed Infrastracture ] Escorting KLA into Kosovo ] Indicator of a Future Plan ] Resolution 1244 ] The Ultimate War Crime ] Who Will Punish NATO? ] NATO Complicit in Ethnic Cleansing of Serbs ] Tyranny to Kosovo Albanians ] Attacks by Albanians Intensifying ] 100,000 Dead Kosovars ] KFOR & UN Legalization of Anarchy ]


europeS.jpg (4853 bytes)
US troops out of Europe!
Why Albaninas Fled
Economic terrorism
Montenegro Goverment Delemna
Kosovo Commission
March 2000: Kosovo One Year Later
Ethnical Aspects on NATO
Ethnic Cleansing
Europe`s Plan to Control the Balkans
Comparison between Clinton and Hitler
Americans are learning to accept War Crimes
Serbs and Roma Flee KLA Terror in Kosovo
NATO Learns for Whom It Has Won a War
What do we do next? Massacre Serbs
When Others Converted, Serbs Didn`t
Who Won and Who Lost
Crisis in the Atlantic Alliance
UN Security Council Draft Resolution
Serbs Withdraw under UN Resolution
Did the Serbs Lose (NATO view)
NATO and Russia Breakthrough
A Truly Heroic Resistance
Refusing to Rebuild Bombed Infrastracture
Escorting KLA into Kosovo
Indicator of a Future Plan
Resolution 1244
The Ultimate War Crime
Who Will Punish NATO?
NATO Complicit in Ethnic Cleansing of Serbs
Tyranny to Kosovo Albanians
Attacks by Albanians Intensifying
100,000 Dead Kosovars
KFOR & UN Legalization of Anarchy


Highly recommended articles:
+ This is the News
+ Bar Too High For Serbs to Comply
+ Why New World Order Hates Serbs
+ New Roman Empire

+A Truly Heroic Resistance
+Theory of American Stupidity
+Last Free People in Europe

TVonFire2_small.jpg (2904 bytes)
of the Belgrade Coup

Editor & Webmaster
Leon Chame - 2008

Yugoslav Associates:
- Zoran Radojicic
- Dejan Vukelic
- George Orwell

Contributing Websites:
- Original Sorces
- Transnational (TFF)
- Fair sources


avgust 20, 2008


















Kosovo Commission's report

(proposal for independent Kosovo)
Trans National Organization (TFF)

The main proposal in the independent international Kosovo Commission's report is that Kosovo should be given conditional independence. This PressInfo deals with this proposal and a few other aspects of the report.



The very first paragraph of the report's executive statement states: "The origins of the crisis have to be understood in terms of a new wave of nationalism that led to the rise of Milosevic and the official adoption of an extreme Serbian nationalist agenda. The revocation of Kosovo's autonomy in 1989 was followed by a Belgrade policy aimed at changing the ethnic composition of Kosovo and creating an apartheid-like society."

Here are some simple counter arguments: a) nationalism alone certainly can not explain the conflicts in the region; b) not only the Serbs used nationalism, so did Bosnian Muslim, Croats, Macedonians, Slovenes and Albanians at the time; c) it indicates a poor understanding of Milosevic to say that he was a nationalist; he sold out Serbs and the Serbian 'cause' repeatedly in order to remain in or increase his personal power; d) there was no official adoption of nationalism; e) Kosovo's autonomy was not revoked, it was sharply reduced and, for sure, it was done in an offending, authoritarian way; f) there is no evidence that there was an official policy in Belgrade with the aim of changing the ethnic composition of the Kosovo province, but there was a worry over the fact that over the preceding 30 years the Serb proportion of the province's population had fallen from about 30% to 9%.



The reference to apartheid is misleading. According to Encyclopędia Britannica, apartheid is "(Afrikaans: 'apartness') name given by the Afrikaner National Party, in office in Africa since 1948, to the policies that govern relations between the country's 3,800.000 white inhabitants and its 17,700,000 non-white, mainly black African, inhabitants. It is also used to describe the long-term objective of the territorial separation that is advocated by Afrikaner church and intellectual circles." Other characteristics of apartheid are mentioned: complete domination of the white minority over the black majority; black Africans were allowed to own land only within the 13 per cent of the territory which were designated native reserves; sexual and marriage relations between blacks and whites illegal; nonwhites were denied the right to vote; and all black Africans were required to obtain a permission before they could enter and remain in urban areas. (15th edition, Vol 1, p 439).

There was nothing even "apartheid-like" in Kosovo. Indeed, its status as autonomous since 1974 speaks against this. It has not been a question of race relations or based on colour, it was not a minority dominating a majority as Kosovo was part of Serbia and of former Yugoslavia in both of which Serbs were the largest nation; Kosovo-Albanians could vote (but boycotted elections), and they were not forced to seek permission to leave reserves. What is true, however, is that Albanian radicals would use the term "apartheid" in conversations with foreign visitors, either as part of their liberation vocabulary or in perfectly understandable despair over their situation. But for the Commission &endash; chaired by South African judge, Richard Goldstone - to make the above statement its basic framework gives reason for concern.

History of the independence