What Would They Say?

Since this is a new section, let me take the time to explain. You know you always have something to say about stuff... so what would they say? I've given you situations that they might get themselves into, and what their reaction would be, plain and simple. So enjoy!


If they had to live alone?.....

"Dude! A real house!"

"What does this do?"

"Where's the refrigerator?!?"

"No! Tyke! Not the chair!!!"

"How in the world do you get this started?"

"There aren't enough electrical plugs in this room!"

"Whose sick idea of a joke is this?? A WHITE carpet???"

"Hey! I saw one of these on TV once."

"Ohhhhhh. THAT'S what that was for."

"What? No cable!?!"

"An address? What's that?"

"You mean I get my own phone number? Wow!"

"Is that supposed to be there?"

"I seem to have misplaced my remote control."

"You mean I can really cook with this thing? What's it called again?"

"Hey! There aren't any dishes in these cabinets! What a rip-off!"


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