Into The Millennium

As the New Year rolls around, and I look back at what I've done with this site in the few months it has been up, I think. I think about the Backstreet Boys, what they have done for music, what they have done for other musicians, but most importantly, what they have done for their fans. For Us. They have devoted time to actually sitting down and writing a song about us... and entire song, just for the fans, the people who made them what they are. Do you know anyone else who did that? I don't. And that's why my heart fills with pride, along with many other emotions, as I listen to their music. Let me tell you a story, if you're in the mood to listen. I starts about four years ago... yes, we know what happened four years ago.... Backstreet Boys came to the USA... and changed our music for many years to come.........


I was sitting in my room, bored out of my silly mind, when this cool song came on the radio. I loved it insantly. It was fun, it was singable, and the guys singing it had pretty good voices. But I had no idea who it was. As the man came on the radio and said, "That was 'Quit Playing Games With my heart', by the Backstreet Boys," my heart skipped a beat then stopped. I knew what a boy band was... I had adored New Kids on the Block in my younger years.... then was sorely disappoined when they broke up. I was cynical about boy bands and their so called sincerity in their songs. I shrugged and gave this new "Backstreet Boys" a few months, if their song hit the top.

Not only did it hit the top, but another one came out. To tell the truth, I was happy about it. I liked the first one, and the second was just as good, if not a bit better. "As Long as You Love Me" was just as fun and sappy as "Quit Playing Games" just like I liked my songs to be. I was thinking about actually buying their album.... just to have when they flopped.

Then I saw it.... The video for "Everybody". I was stunned. It was awesome. It was magnificent. It was a work of art, absolutely perfect. To this day it is the only music video I can call my favorite. And it was a kick ass song. I loved it. I loved it so much, that week, I went out and bought the album. "Backstreet Boys". It was my prized possession. The songs were hip, moving, beautiful, and fun. It was all I ever listened to.........


Which brings us back to the present. As I was listening to "Millennium" I was reading someone's web page, a humor site like my own. They had a critique of the album, and I decided to look to see what funny things they had to say. It wasn't funny at all, but dead serious. As I got to the part where they were talking about Kevin's song, "Back to your Heart", I burst into tears. The song was blaring into my headphones even as I read their praises for the most beautiful song on the album, my favorite, written by my favorite Boy.

Someone had finally put into words what I felt. I take pride in being a Backstreet Boy fan. I don't hide it, I don't pretend that's it's a bad thing... because it's not. These five men have done extraordinary things, things some of could only dream of doing. They have grown up in the eyes of a country, this country, and have changed how we look at music. Then they go about dedicating a song to us.... TO US! Some may say it was just a publicity stunt, to make themselves look better, but who believes that? Would they write a song they didn't care to perform, to sing, almost every day for a year, or more?


If Gabriel himself came back to earth, it would have to be in the form of this wonderful man. His voice is an angel's, maybe even more beautiful. When he goes to Heaven, he will be the one leading the choir of angels, and his voice will be held above them all. He's kind, he's funny, and he has a talent for music.


Think about it people. He grew up with this group. His life has been nothing but the Backstreet Boys. That sounds like true dedication to me. His voice, now through changing, hopefully, is just as wonderful as Brian's, and in time, with guidance and help, he would make a well rounded musician, I'm sure.


Howie has always been the one stuck with the "girly voice". I mean, I can't even reach some of those notes. But when he sings in "Show Me the Meaning" your heart stops, doesn't it? He has a beautiful voice, and even though it can be overbearing at times, he deserves more respect that he gets for his talents.


What can you not say about this guy? He has a talent for singing, whether it be screaming at the top of his lungs or whispering "Damn, I love you" at the end of a song. His ever changing styles are amusing and fun to keep up with, and his humor always makes us laugh. His voice is something that makes us believe in true love and real fun.


Saving the best for last. Kevin is a style all his own. He is one of the few Southern gentlemen left in the South. His voice is pure and simple, with a haunting quality. Even better than his voice, is his ability to write. My God..... that song. "Back to Your Heart" is exquisite. He only wrote one, but it was the best song on the album.


So now you have heard me go on and on about how wonderful they are..... and I meant every word I said. The Backstreet Boys are the best thing to happen to American music since Elvis. (LoL, although I'm sure our parents would disagree.) They all deserve a lot more respect than they get, from teens and adults alike. And remember (God, I never thought I'd say this)

Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive

Cause they deserve it.

*sniff* I'm [done]