The Art of Pottery Making

Creating a vessel from clay
 is an ancient art

Since the beginning potters have prospected raw earth and used it
to create priceless vessels that have withstood the test of time.

Each step in the overall pottery process is an art in it's self.  
The glazing process and firing techniques affect the
finished piece as much as the throwing process.  

The glazes and their reactions to the clay body, other glazes,
heat reductions and chemical reactions taking place inside the kiln,  
are what you see on a finished piece of pottery.  

Ceramics: Anything that is made with clay,  
That includes: Bricks, bathroom fixtures,
electric insulators, sculptures, tiles, dishes and vessels.

What do these have in common?  
They are all chemically resistant and can withstand a wide
range of temperatures from very cold to very hot.    

Preparing the Clay for throwing



Pinch Pots


Painting with clay slip




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