June 2001 DTC
 June 2001 DTC

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Our Kids!


Child Sponsorship

Our Foster Children

Our Foster Child, Hong Fang Juan, has recently had surgery for a cleft lip.  She was born in April, 2001 and lives in Jiangxi Province.  Fang Juan will be listed as  child #6 on the Amity webpage.

Meet Hong Tao Jing, the newest foster child to be sponsored by the June2001DTC group!  She was born in December, 2000, and is from Nanchang Social Welfare Institute in Jiangxi Province.  Tao Jing has some special needs -- an inclined neck, and an extra finger.  She is shown here with her foster mother, Zhong Jian Xiang.  Tao Jing will be listed on the Amity webpage


For the June 2001 DTC Sponsorship, please make checks out to Altrusa Foundation and mail them (with the information below) to:

Peggy Gurrad
3571 Fairway Lane
Longview, WA 98632

Your cancelled check should serve as a receipt if your donation is less than $250. If you send $250 or more with one check then the IRS requires you to have a written receipt which I will send to you. I can also send you one for donations of less than $250 if requested. If you send more than $250 over the period of a year but each individual check is less than $250 you are not required to have a written receipt.

Please include the following information (you could copy/paste and print this part to fill out and mail):


Enclosed is $____________

For our planning purposes please indicate if you would like to send this (or other) amount:

___ monthly

___ quarterly

___ yearly

___ one time only

___ other _________________________

I would like this money to go toward:

_xxx_ June 2001 DTC member of a group sponsorship

___ Other _____________________________________________________________


Your Name:___________________________



e-mail address__________________________

If your child is adopted from Jiangxi Province which orphanage is she from? ____________________






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