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What Do You Do

What do you do
When all he speaks
Are lies
That tear at your heart
And break down your pride
What do you do
When he searches still
For one who he can love
When you will not do
And your heart bleeds
What do you do
When you love him
SOOO much
The thought of it
Catches in your throat
What do you do
He doesn't love

You doubt my love 
How could this not be love? 
No one I've ever met
Makes me this angry
Or makes me laugh so fully 
No one has ever caused 
So much joy or pain 
All with the same event 
It must be love
Why else would my heart break?
At the sound of your voice 
At the look on your face 
At a deed done 
Why else would I want to be
With you? 
Why else would I have stayed
Through all our trials
How could this not be love?
When we can't stay apart
How could this not?
I want to walk hand in hand
With someone who cares for me
I want to wake each day
With his arms holding me tight
Knowing that I mean something to him
Would be a dream come true
I want my boys to
See me happy and the way a family Should be
I want forever in a promise
That is kept
I want to love someone
Wholeheartedly, without reservation or fear
I want the dream
We all had as kids
I want to be loved


When we started,
I can hardly describe
How you changed my life
How you gave me hope and focus
How wonderful it was to have you near me
There was no past to overcome, just a feeling
That was so strong
And I fell head over heels
I honestly believed
You longed for the same
I truly thought we worked toward
The same things
and then slowly, one lie at a time
The truth came to light
I didn't know you at all
And even though my mind knows the truth
You do not love me
My heart can't accept it
And I spend my time
In turmoil
fighting myself and trying
To hold on when I should
Accept you never did
And move on.


To my grandmother whom I miss very, very much.  She always knew how to show me the way, even when I was blind to it.

How do you let go
Once death has claimed
It's own
When you long for a hug
Or advice of wisdom
What do you do
When you wake at night
And realize the dream
Was only a dream
I long for just one more conversation
More advice I need
I want one more chance to
Hug you close
What do you do
When death
Has claimed it's own?


When you play the games
You love to play
Do you ever stop to think
Who really gets hurt
That the person you tell
The lies and 1/2 truths
Might really believe you
And trust themselves to love you
Do you ever think for some
It's real?
That they really are investing REAL emotion in you
What do you get from games played
Certainly you must feel worse
When truth comes to light
When dreams shatter and tears fall
And someone's heart breaks
What do you get from hurting a heart
Who only wanted to love you?

You Cheat ~ You Lie ~ You Lose

Angry words, a fight most foul 
A deed done in the dead of night 
Remorse and tears 
Panic, lose heart, lose faith 
Trust shattered, lives broken
Love lost

You Do Not Love Me

Words spoken
Meanings untrue
You play a game with me
One I won't win
Why do you do it
Why not let me go

It takes only a moment 
To send a card 
A moment more 
To compose an email 
Yet my inbox is empty 
Messages not sent are messages 
Not received 
And the small things 
That would make a difference
A message on voice mail
A flower just because 
That lets me know I'm thought of And cared for
Remain undone 
The small things I once did 
No longer done 
Letters left unopened  
Cards left unread
Feelings left unexpressed
Slowly die
Small things that show respect
Show feelings
Left undone
Words written
Feelings expressed
Carefully folded
For lover's eyes
Left unsent.
Ears stopped listening
Hearts stopped reaching
Mind operates under false beliefs
Two hearts once as one
Become two
And drift away
On words left unspoken
Lives made with other's dreams
Letters left unsent
Feelings left unsaid
Love left alone to die

Once I could tell you anything
Talk things out with you
And trust
That my feelings were
With each passing day
Each one sided conversation
I find that
Your respect for me has faded
And I keep more and more inside
To where
You wouldn't recognize me
I am not one to be cagey and closed
To cut off what I feel
But you will not talk to me
And I can not share
When there is no trust
You use it against me
When it suits you
And keep yourself
Closed and alone
With each passing day
Each unanswered question
I move a bit more away
Looking for   someone
Who will communicate with me
Who loves me
Who will love me


I keep thinking
That if I say it long enough
Or loud enough
Or enough times
Then when you don't follow through
Or fail to say
What I need to hear
Then I won't be surprised
And I won't be hurt
I don't know why
I continue to try
Because I already know
That you really don't love me
No matter how many times
I tell myself
Or how many times I hear it
I still get crushed
And you still hurt me
And my tears still fall
And you do not care


I trusted you with my shattered heart
With the secret hurts that keep me awake
I opened my life, my world to you
Because I was determined not to make
The mistakes from the past
I wanted this to be different from before
Not frightened of you, only of staying because
I was afraid of being alone
But different
Not here because I had to be
Not holding myself back so that
I could walk away when I wanted
I gave myself to you and you in turn
Used me
You took my gifts and you thought they were
What they were not
You made them something I never meant them to be
In your heart, you know there is no doubt
About my love for you I held
You only needed an excuse
To justify the things you do
You used me when I gave
Myself to you.



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