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My Review of  a TriEss meeting

We attended our second TriEss meeting on June 5, 99. The first one we went to
was in March of 99. The routine was similar to the first meeting we had gone to.
We arrived just as the SO's meeting was starting and the TriEss general business meeting
was going on at the same time. So I ducked into the SO's meeting and left Jenn out
in the hotel room to fend for herself.  I felt sorry for her as the wives and SO's meeting was
more lively and we all talk to each other, where the TG's are more cliquish and only
talk to those they know well.  She reported that nobody even made an effort and that
she sat looking at the club photo album alone. Last time we went the SO's meeting
was shorter and so I was able to help Jenn talk to some folks, as I am more
outgoing and able to approach people more easily.  This time the wives/SO's meeting
went a bit long, as we had 14 people and there was a lot of chat about the upcoming
SPICE conference in Minneapolis.   Also there was some general chat about
having a group discussion with the wives/SO's and TG's.  Like the last time
we went, I knew many of the wives from having attended SPICE last year,
so it was good to see those ladies. After the meeting got over, I went out to be
with Jenn, and to find some people to talk to. We had a bit of conversation with a
couple of the younger TG's, but almost everyone was racing out the door to go
party at Pleasure Island for Gay Days at Disney. It was a bit wierder than the first time
we went as there was more of a restless mood and a lot more sequined gowns! We are
planning on trying again, only  this time we will try to go to the Friday night dinner
as it might be a better place to get to know people. I think that will help a bit. Overall,
it has been an ok experience for us but Jenn feels a bit alienated as we are quite a bit
younger than the average TriEss member! There were a few younger folk there
this time, though, which gave us hope! Anyway, we are going to try to make it
to the July meeting and the Friday night dinner! Check back for an update!

All my love,

Please feel free to email me by clicking on my name above if you need to talk!
(I also have ICQ #2404025, but you may catch Jennifer using the computer instead of me)


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Last Updated on Sunday, June 10, 2001
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