Ricardo's Realm
Ric's Pics | Biography | Cole Info | Contact Ricardo | Links | The Cole and Alyssa Page | Updates | Credits and Thanks


Credits and Thanks

First of all, thank you to Ricardo Medina, Jr. for the awesome guy that Cole is.

Some of the pictures are mine.  Most of the pictures come from various sources on the internet.
Any of the writing that appears on my site was done by me, unless otherwise noted.
All of the "official" photos are from the now defunct Fox Kids website. 
The song "Wanna Be Where You Are" is property of M2M. 
Many thanks to Shayna for most of the Cole/Alyssa pics!
Thanks also to Alex Bhakta for a lot of the pics on this site.
Thank you, thank you! to Jason Takach.  Most of the Cole pictures come from his site. 

If you want to visit the best Ricardo Medina, Jr. fansite on the web, go to Jason's site:

The Lion's Den

The "Wild Force Story" was taken from the action figure boxes, which are made by Bandai.
Power Rangers:  Wild Force, the logo, and the characters belong to BVE.
**If you notice something on the site that belongs to you and you want me to either give you proper credit or remove it completely, feel free to e-mail me at anytime at Shadowcat@powerrangerslostgalaxy.zzn.com. Thanks! :)