Shark's Roadhouse
April 16th, 2011
It was a fantastic night at Shark's Roadhous in Elizabeth, IL.  The crowd was large and noisy and ready for some fun.  
Turned out we had a lot of fun too.  Thanks for a great night Elizabeth.  We will be back next year for Scott's birthday party on April 14th.  See y'all there!!!
We were all gathered for the Birthday Boy Scott.  Hell of a party buddy!!!  See you next year.  April  14, 2012!!!
Callie and Laura in action.
Gary beatin' the skins again.
Were is the rest of the swimmer???
Some of the animals of Shark's Roadhouse...
more animals...
Don't mess with the monkey.  I never thought I would say that at a gig!!!
At last, my new girlfriend...see you next year gorgeous!!!