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Here is a story of something that happened when we were in England last

I planned my trip to Europe around going to the concert at Castle Howard and
was trying to work out how I could go to the Irish concerts as well.

The concert at Castle Howard was not reserved seating, so I planned to buy
my ticket on the day.

We drove down from Glasgow on the Friday and stopped at Carlyle to book
ahead to York for accommodation for that night and the Saturday night,
intending to leave early on the Sunday morning to drive to London for our
flight to Switzerland that afternoon.

We called into the town centre to the information office to book the
accommodation. The lady said to me "Sorry, you wound get ANY accommodation in
York for tomorrow night" I NEARLY DIED She then said "There is a concert at
Castle Howard - you won't get accommodation in York - its very popular". I
just said "Is that right" and tried to look surprised. I would have got away
with it except my sister then said to the woman "She knows there is a
concert on - she is going, or at least trying to." The woman asked us where
we had driven from. I said "Glasgow" and the woman said "That's a long way
to come. My sister (not missing any opportunity to make fun of me said to
the woman "Glasgow, we have come from Australia so she could go to the
concert. Glasgow is where we left our bags!!!"

To make a long story short, I did get to the concert and we stayed in a
great town called Malton for 2 nights which was just 10 minutes from Castle
Howard. We also made our flight to Switzerland, but we had to drive like mad
women to London to get to the airport on time but it was worth it just to
see Michael in concert again. Also, I did get to meet Mark and Mirjam when I
was in Holland and go to the Irish concerts with them and finally met Margo,
Dee, Darlene, Nadia, Cat, Dave, Karen & Allison. What I great 3 months I had
in the UK and Europe


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