Grim Reaper

I have been reading several stories on this page and I'm thinking.....Finally, I have met other people with similar experiences that some of my family members and I have had through out the years. I would like to share one story in particular that happened twenty years ago, in August and September of 1977. My husband and I were married in June of 1977. He was in the military and stationed in Rome, N.Y. We found a small trailer in the village of Blossvale to live in. This trailer was the size of a large Winnebago. We were so happy and cozy! Any way, it was my habit to get up in the mornings to fix a large breakfast for my husband and then go back to bed when he left for work and sleep until about 9:00 a.m.. One morning in August, I awoke with a start and knew that someone was staring at me. (I was laying in the bed with my feet facing the back door and my back to the living room and front door.) I rolled over and almost "bumped into" this dark figure leaning over me. It looked like the Grim Reaper! Full Size and Terrifying! (Now up until this moment, I always thought that the Grim Reaper was a fictitious character made up some long ago Halloween.....but right this instant he was standing over me.) I was terrified! Being young, terrified and trapped in my bed I did the only thing I could do..........covered my head with my blanket! I was in a panic. (My keyboard keys are chattering! No seriously, I always start shaking when I relay this story to anyone.) Well, I started praying like I never prayed before and finally got up the nerve to look out from beneath my blanket. IT was gone. About a week later the same thing happened. My mind is reeling! What is happening, what does IT want???? Is it coming after me???? What can I do to protect myself???? I finally told my husband what had happened. He got this strange look on his face and I took it that he thought I was crazy so I dropped the subject and tried not to think of it. I kept telling myself that I was crazy and imagining things simply because I didn't like the alternative. The thought of it left me trembling. I was all alone everyday, twenty miles from the city and hundreds of miles from my "Mommy"! About two weeks after the second appearance, IT came back. This time, as I awoke with the now familiar feeling of someone staring, I lay there considering my possibilities. I could continue to hide under my covers and eventually let IT "get me" or face it. I figured I'd rather die facing the situation. Now I don't know that I would call it courage, but something made me able to roll over and fling back the covers to confront this thing! (I had never seen its face before as its hood was in the way.) Well, to my surprise, as I flung the covers off me and sat up on the side of the bed, it recoiled from me. IT brought its arms up and crossed them over what would be its face.....But it had no face. Just empty darkness within the hood opening. As I come up off the bed it turned and took off in one fluid motion toward my kitchen. I looked down at its feet and it had no feet and was about 4 to 5 inches off the floor. Well, seeing as how this thing was fleeing from me, I worked up the nerve to yell at it to leave me alone and never come back! I peered around the wall to look into my kitchen and it was not there. Now if it had left through one of the two doors I would have seen it from where I was standing beside my bed. Believe me I was waiting for something to exit via one of the doors but it didn't. It just disappeared. Twenty years later, I still wonder what the heck it was after and what the visits meant if they meant anything at all. I do have an interesting post script to this story. In 1995, eighteen years after this happened to me, I brought the subject up once more to my husband. I wanted to know if he thought I was crazy or just what did he think about it? He ruefully told me that he got that funny look on his face when I told him about it because the Reaper had visited him also and in this same time frame that it visited me. He told me that IT had grabbed him by the ankle on two seperate occasions and shook it until he was awake. He said that when he would wake up and look at it, it would disappear. I was shocked! At least the thing never touched me! My husband said he was terrified also but did not tell me about his events because he knew how frightened I was and he didn't know what to do about it. How do you fight something that is not even supposed to be real? What do you think? Has anyone else seen the Reaper? What does he want? I have my ideas and some things happened to us around that time that I felt could be associated with IT, but I guess I will never know........................