My Concert Pics - Charlotte

My sister and I went to the Black & Blue concert and had an amazing time.   I would love to be able to share the pictures I took with you but the film broke halfway through the concert and my wonderful pictures were lost forever.  HOWEVER, I brought my digital camera along as well and was able to record what me and my sister did before the concert.  We were both so excited about the concert, we decided to relieve some stress by taking completely goofy pictures of each other around the hotel room.  Feel free to laugh at our silliness!  I put them up for a good laugh!  Keep in mind that we just had a 3-hour drive so we look REALLY rough!

This is me relieving some anxiety!


This is my sister being retarded!


We decorated my car in the Backstreet spirit!


The morning after!


Check out the mess we made!




Fun Stuff