Rules of a Boyband

The youngest member must be blonde.

Point out the obvious while you're singing.(ex. pointing at your watch when you say time, or eyes when you say see and so on and so on.)

Everyone in the group must have a ridiculous cheesy nickname that the others call him ALL the time.

There must be at least 1 sex crazed member who humps everything in site.

Two of you should be inseperable.  

Two of you should be related in some way.

You must dress like dorks in vests and other assorted gay clothing in photo shoots during your early days. 

All members must have a tattoo of some kind.  Yes, even the innocent church boy.

Dedicate a song to the fans that you didn't actually write.

Do not write any songs until your 3rd or 4th album.

You must release singles only in Europe so that Americans have to hitchike to Europe and pay $14.99 for it.

Half of the concert should consist of  introducing yourself, just in case we forgot who you are.

The other half must be spent  introducing the band and the backup dancers.  We really care!

Pelvic thrust and stage humping are a must.  It can't hump a ladder, fake it!

You must have 10 dancers at all time so that it makes it harder to tell who's who on stage.

You have to constantly say "we're not a boyband.  We're a vocal group."




Fun Stuff