ODIN. (Part Two) A.K.A. Ithim Agus Suim

               Odin had a good start to 2008 by winning the Reserve CC at Manchester under Mrs Brenda 


                Ashton under Lyne can. soc. he was Best of Breed and Hound Group 3

                Crufts, 3rd in Limit Dog, judge Ann Macdonald

                Rochdale, Best of Breed and Hound Group 1

                Border Counties Hound Club, 1st in Open Dog and Reserve Best of Breed

                North West Canine soc, he was Best of Breed

                Blackpool championship show he was 2nd in Limit Dog

                Leeds Championship show, 2nd in Limit Dog

                Houndshow, 2nd in Limit dog

                Welsh Kennel club ch show, 1st in Limit Dog

                S.K.C. ch show 2nd in Open dog

                Richmond ch show, 1st in Limit dog

                Midland counties 2nd in Limit dog