Gaytonwood Golden and Labrador Retrievers



Gaytonwood Victoria of Southernhay, JW, RCC

DOB 19 04 98

photo Lynn Kipps


(Croombrand Blakely Heath ex Gaytonwood Genevieve)

What a star she has been.  Owned by Ian and Jean Hay and campaigned extensively by them she achieved Best Puppy in Show on the last weekend before her first birthday at the North Western Golden Retriever Championship Show and keeping up the 'last minute approach' she gained the final points for her Junior Warrant and was awarded the Reserve Challenge Certificate on the weekend before she was 18 months old!

Thank you Jean and Ian for campaigning her and to Mary Pickstock for showing her at Championship Shows when Ian's nerves failed. (Ian says his nerve failed because of the thought of being told what he did wrong by the breeder (Me), the stud dog owner (Mary) and the co-owner (Jean) - enough to make anyone's nerves fail! ) 

In 2000 she was not shown as much, as she was very much in an 'in between' stage, although she gained a 1st in Graduate Bitch at Leeds under Mr Roger Taylor (Maundale). She has started off 2001 well by winning Graduate Bitch at East of England Championship Show under Mrs Jean Taylor (Olyjen).