Gaytonwood Golden and Labrador Retrievers

Dexter's Album


Motlaisa Commander-in-Chief at Gaytonwood

DOB 04 07 93

Reserve Challenge Certificate, Show Gundog Working Certificate 


Photo Lynn Kipps


(Sh Ch Skymaster of Jamescroft ex Motlaisa Caprice Solitaire)

Hip Score 6:6

Current Clear Eye Certificate (issued 04 03 00)

Dexter was the first dog that we seriously campaigned.  He won well as a puppy, qualifying for Crufts at his first Championship Show at just six and a half months. 

He sired our first litter from Wispa and has produced progeny which have competed and won in the show ring, in obedience and one (Rio) is a qualified assistance dog for Dogs for the Disabled. She lives with her new owner and helps her with everyday chores which she finds difficult. All our current Goldens with the exception of Teak descend from him. 

He gained his Show Gundog Working Certificate when he was 18 months old. He picks up regularly but does not like to swim, unlike the rest of the team who can't wait to get in the water!

His daughter Riva has followed in the footsteps of her Dad by qualifying for Crufts at her first Championship Show at Southern Counties at the age of six months and five days! His latest progeny have just started showing and his son Hudson (Rostherne Hudson Bay via Torcasa) received a Best Puppy award at six months 5 days old! His daughter Breeze (Rostherne Island Breeze) has also kept the flag flying by winning Best Puppy awards. Thank you Eilish for using Dexter and Stacey for showing Hudson. 

He is a lovely gentle boy who produces strong well boned puppies with his lovely head.

He is at stud to approved bitches.