Teen Fires Archive
Teen Fires Archive

This is the place where all the past articles that were run on Teen Fires are now kept. They are titled and include the dates that they ran on the site.

Your End of the Deal (Summer 1999 to Fall 2000)

If Jesus, right now, walked into the room where you are and told you, "I'll grant you one desire," What would you ask for? "Show me my purpose," "Make me like you," or maybe "Jesus, save my friend."? Jesus can give you each of those things. And let me tell you today that Jesus wants to save your friend. You asked him, "Jesus, save my friend." and he says "YES! I can save your friend but will you take me to them? I know them and I know how to touch them but, oh, will you take me to them? Show me where they are and I will save them. Just take me, please!" It is not God's desire that any should be caught in Satan's grip. All he wants is for them to know Jesus. That's all we are responsible for. In Romans 10:14 NIV it reads, "How, then, can they call on the one they have not beleived in? And how can they beleive in the one of whom they have not heard?" How are your friends going to hear about Jesus? You, or someone else, must bring Him to them. Let me ask you a question. How much do you love your friends? Do you really want to have their blood on your hands as you stand in front of God because you didn't obey God and bring Jesus to them? It's so simple and yet we sit inside our shells, unwilling to reach out. "And how can they beleive in the one of whom they have not heard?"

I don't know you- you very well may be in obedience to God, showing people His love and His son Jesus. But if you're not, God wants to challenge you today, through me, to take a small step ahead in your walk with Him. How much of your life will you give to Him? Does your commitment stop at your comfort zone? Let me remind you that God is not bound by our weakness. He is going to have His way, regardless of how much help we offer Him. If you don't do your job, He'll get someone else. Live with an eagerness to see people won for the Lord, because the time is NOW my friends.

By bringing Jesus to your friends, I don't mean a lecture on sin, dragging them kicking and screaming to youth group or church, or scaring them with descriptions of Hell. Anybody would know that it doesn't work like that. Just be open and real. Listen for what the Holy Spirit is telling you to do. Pray that God will use you. Pray that your friend's hearts will be softened and open to Jesus. Matthew 10:19-20 NIV "Do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the spirit of your Father speaking through you." Be sensetive to the Holy Spirit, and God will do the rest.

He is always on time. Never early, never late. Will you uphold your end of the deal as a Son or Daughter of the living God?

Clouds (Summer 1999 to Fall 2000)

I live in the Seattle area, so there are days when I can see Mt. Rainier. But Because I live in a place where there is so much rain, clouds often obstruct my view and I can't see it for a little while. It's always there, no doubt about it, but I just can't see it.

God is like Mt. Rainier. He's always there, but there are hard times that come into my life and obstruct my view of Him. Wouldn't you agree that it would be silly to think that God has gone away every time some clouds roll in?

If it seems like God is nowhere in sight, take comfort in the fact that He's always there no matter what the weather is doing outside. God uses the cloudy days to help build our faith in Him. Don't despair! He'll always be near to you.

What Have I Done? (Summer 1999 to Fall 2000)

A lot of times I say that I feel "dry" or "far from God." That may be true, but I find that I've been using those words in a way that diverts the responsibility of maintaining my relationship with God from me. I almost use them as an excuse for the relationship suffering. This makes me mad. I am so hypocritical! It makes me wonder, "How did I get to this dry spot in my faith in the first place?" The key word there is "I." A relationship goes two ways, and God is always there to meet me. So what have I done to strengthen ties? If I say that I feel dry, whose fault is that, really? Can I blame God for respecting my free will? In my heart, I know that our relationship is suffering because of ME. Now I need to look ahead and ask, "What can I do now to get back to God?" Then I need to take the initiative, let God reach me where I'm at, and watch our relationship thrive!

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