Libbys' Testimony

For 3 weeks in July 2000 I went to Moldova. Having never heard of it until March that year I wasn't really sure why I felt I wanted to go or what to expect, but I carried on praying about it and sure enough I ended up going! I was going to be helping out with a UCCF/IFEs mission at an English speaking, Bible camp for 10 days, with briefing before and a few days with the Moldovans afterwards. The aim was for about 40 Moldovan students to better their English and at the same time take part in the Bible studies. We wanted to have fun and just be ourselves.

Moldova is the poorest country in Europe and so very different from life in England. I went to get out of my "comfprt zone", to experience "mission" and to meet the Moldovans. God's reasons for me going were slightly different!

At the camp we all stayed in log cabins in a little wood, the toilet was a hole in the ground and we washed with cold water at outdoor sinks. Yet, although the conditions were hard the whole experience was incredible. The Moldovan people are wonderful, very generous (though they have little) and fun loving. I laughed sooooo much!! There's no sarcasm; that's not understood, and their humour is so natural and untainted. They're very creative and love dancing. It was a really great time and I learnt as much from them about what's really important as they did from me about the Bible.

I experienced true acceptance and my relationship with God became even more vital to me. It was like the whole time, although I had very little personal time with God, I knew His presence. I felt so safe and it was good to know that my God is Lord over mosquitos, water diseases and ticks!! Through God's grace I adapted to the Moldovan culture and the basic lifestyle. I think I proved to myself that through God's strength I can go anywhere and do anything if He asks. Through leading the Bible studies everyday it was like experiencing God's word for me all over again. We were often moved to tears as we shared about what Jesus did on the cross for us. I saw people change so much and acquire such a hunger for God. The Moldovan's praised God in Russian and Romanian and that was so special to me. Hearing prayers in other languages emphasised how BIG God is and that Jesus is the same the whole world over.

Coming back meant a lot of change for me initially. I was annoyed with our culture for a while, but I was really encouraged to always obey God's direction even if it seems scary, because it's always the best!