Lindsay's Testimony

Each day we strive to get close to God....but along the road of life, we have road blocks, detours, and U-turns. Life throws many things at us, but these things better known as "trials or burdens" help us get closer to God. Every person has their own trial and situation. No one can truly say they know how you feel, they can relate...but no matter what no situation is exactly the same.

God allows us to be tested, and many of us don't like that. We wish everything would be perfect, nothing to worry about, nothing to cry for, etc. However, with God... there is nothing to worry about, and nothing to cry for. As humans, though, we do tend to cry and worry... it's normal. Your trial could be something we consider simple like a book test, or as difficult as losing someone you love. However, to God no trial is "bigger or worse" than another. God can heal a cold as quick as he can heal someone who is blind. We as humans sometimes cannot see that.

I think of my life as a road... and I'm driving down it. You may think it sounds stupid, but I think it's easier to comprehend. You start your "road" (life) when you are born. As you are growing you have trials... such as colds, and sickness, knee scrapes, etc., some are handicapped. God designs us each to be unique, we may favor someone, but we are our own person. I have an older sister who's 18, and I have a twin we are 16. They favor and have similar personalities, but I am totally opposite. I am the shy type, I love to help people, I hold emotions in well, but I let them out a lot too, I don't get mad easily, I get hurt and disappointed. Well, on with my road... when I was growing up, I always grew up in church from when I was born until now. I was like most children.. I ran, jumped rope, played with dolls, caught animals, etc. I got the scraped up knees, I got lost at a carnival, etc.

But my trial that really seemed to "GET ME" started when I was 12 1/2. I had known my family to be in church, strong, healthy, you name it. It was like life was perfect with minor stumbles. But one day after summer vacation with the family. I found that was not the case anymore. My father had been diagnosed with the terminal neuromuscular disease... "Lou Gehrig's Disease" this disease basically disintegrates your muscles to nothing at all. You cannot use your limbs once it weakens your muscles. It started in his left arm, then his left leg, then his right side of his body. For 2 1/2 years this continued... he went from a walking, independent, robust man, to using a legbrace and cane, then further to needing a wheel chair. After the wheelchair things continued to get worse... he was on an oxygen machine and in the bed. He went to church until he couldn't be off of oxygen long enough to stay at church. The last 8-9 months he was alive he couldn't go to church. My mom stayed by his side the whole time so both of my sisters and I would go to church together.

During this "detour" of my life .... I would get down, then my dad would encourage me when I should have been encouraging him. After the 2nd year the last 6 months he was alive things really took a turn for the worse. He was in the bed, couldn't eat unless it was blended well, it had to be like mashed potatoes. He was totally dependent, and I helped out. Then after struggling 2 1/2 years with this disease he passed away in October this year. My testimony is that no matter what comes your way... never give up. I prayed for God's will with my dad and that's what happened. I'm not discouraged because I know my dad isn't suffering anymore we are the ones suffering.

I'll leave you with two things my dad told me while he was on oxygen and in the bed. First, he had the ability to tell when someone was having a bad day. He saw this with me one day and he said "Lindsey, I want you to know when you start thinking you are the only one with problems, and there is no way out. I want you to know that you will always find someone who has it easier... but somewhere you will find someone who has it harder." This is true,... think about it.... we have GOD what if we didn't have God... there wouldn't be any sign of hope to look forward to. Secondly, he told me once, "Lindsey, my life is a win/win situation." I was thinking what are you crazy? Here he was in the bed, barely could speak, couldn't even eat hardly, and he was saying it was a win/win situation. However, he explained it to me. He said "I pray for God's will, so if it's God's will for me to be healed and live... I win because God will get all the glory, and he will be with me day by day., but if God's will is for me to go home with him... then I win again because I'll be with God forever and I will live with him.

So my testimony is,.... though my dad died, I am not discouraged... I know it was God's will, but I will have more road blocks in my life. You will too. Whenever you are going through something never give up hope... pray for God's will and everything will work out for the better. Leave it in God's hands and nothing will work out wrong. Sometimes you will think well, I want this... but realize God sees the future, and he knows what's best so leave it to him. Our road in life is a continuing journey day by day, but every test we go through brings us one mile closer to God. Once we reach the end of our journey, we will have an eternal life of no pain, trials, worries, stuff to cry over. It will be the all-time perfect life. Whenever you have a trial don't think oh man... think "yes" now I can work hard to be closer to God. The Devil will throw things at you... to drag you down. Don't let this happen because that's what he wants you to do.

That's my testimony... God will always be there... even if you don't believe it or choose not to care.

May God bless you abundantly. Sorry so long.

Love, Lindsey