Well from as long as I can remember I was either abused or assulted in many different ways. My every day consisted of being hurt and punished for the reason I still dont know. All this began to take its toll with me and I thought the answer was drinking alcohol, but when that didn't work I turned to pot and when that didn't work I turned to speed. At this stage I was still only 12 years old and I was looking for an answer in the wrong place. I became addicted to speed and was still being sexually asssulted. So the only conclusion i came to was to commit suicide. I tried this on several occasions but was thankfully unsuccesful.

My life didn't exist, I was going no where but to hell. It wasn't until my best friend died in my arms from a drug over-dose that I began to pray. Before I even accepted Jesus into my life He began to reveal himself to me.

One week later I was invited to attend a youth event with a friend, I had no idea what a youth event was but something inside of me wanted to go. So I went and it was on this night that God revealed himself to me and I gave my life to Jesus.

There has been no turning back for me now. I live every day for God and ever since the day I gave my life to Christ I have never been harmed since.

Now I am praying for for the souls of my parents and all the people that have ever hurt me. I am now 17 and live everyday with God by my side.

Thank you Jesus,

Hannah Wright, Australia.