Harry Potter or Jesus

There's a battle on our homefront
One you don't hear about on the news.
It's a battle for the mind of our kids
And the warriors are mighty few.

There's a new book out about "Harry"
It has taken this nation by surprise.
The author is J. K. Rowling
An unknown author, on the rise.

She really knows her Witchcraft
And she presents it very well
For her Potter books are paving
Our young ones way to Hell.

The school curricula will include Harry
Hard core Witchcraft will be taught
While many people sit idly by
Never giving this a thought.

It will masquerade as "good verses evil"
With core values of love and loyalty,
But tucked in between those pages
Is nothing but blatant sorcery.

These books teach children to love Harry
And the White Magic Witchcraft he performs.
There's no message of condemnation,
Even though, against them, the Bible warns.

Children all around the world
Are being caught up in this slaughter;
Each wanting to own a set of "Harry" books
And all the paraphernalia of Potter.

Christian parents rise up and fight!
Your child's spiritual life is at stake.
Does your child want to live at #4 Privit Lane
Or with Jesus, entering heavens gate?

Do they aspire to be like Harry Potter
Wearing a mark upon their heads?
Or do they want to be like Jesus, "The Potter"
Who can raise people from the dead?

Parents, I implore you not to let
Your children near these schemes
Keep them away from Harry Potter,
No matter how hard it seems.

Yes, now's the time for action,
Please don't let evil gain a foot.
Keep your children close to Jesus
And the teachings in His Book!

By Janey Hauck © 2001