Wind, Rain, and Pain

The wind, the rain, like sheets of pain,
Blew 'cross the empty church.
Its roof blown off, the shattered glass,
The empty pews in view.
The Pulpit stood alone and stark,
So wet, alone ,and still,
While sheets of rain, like sheets of pain,
Fell where His Spirit dwelt.
A Voice of comfort, gentle, sweet,
I heard like rustling breeze.
"That's not My Church exposed and drenched,
You see before you there.
My temple's in the hearts of men,
And has been since that day when Jesus,
Stayed alone and stark, and still,
While sheets of rain and sheets of pain,
Fell where His Spirit dwelt."
"I tore the veil that hid from view,
My holy, holy place.
I sent my Spirit's rain and blew,
across the exposed hearts.
For man is like that ruined church,
without a roof and glass.
His heart to Me is in full view;
Each life, exposed to sheets of pain,
is always in My view."
"But I have built a Church so strong,
That wind and rain and sheets of pain,
Can only briefly flail.
For My most holy, holy Church
Is deep within the vail of every true, believing heart
That trusts in My dear Son
Who stood alone and stark and still
While sheets of pain
Blew cross Golgotha's Hill."
"Eternity is out of reach,
Of all that wrenching pain.
For those of you who choose,
To trust and live,
So sure and stark and still,
In faith like many saints of old,
You live with Me and My real Church,
The Holy Bride of Christ."
"Don't look to pastors, pulpits, pews,
To find what I can give.
Yes, it is good to 'gather in,'
Share the Word, sing a hymn,
But only I can make a Church,
that stands against,
The wind, the rain, and sheets of pain
That Earth and Satan send."
"For I control the stage of life,
And I will curtains draw,
To show, before the Great White Throne,
The hearts of holy, holy saints
Who stood so strong,
That wind and rain and sheets of pain,
Could only briefly flail."

By Ralph E. McIntosh
Holiday, Florida Copyright © June 2000