The Way Of Choice

I search for joy every minute of the day
Looking for examples of happiness and
Peace as I go on my way.
I live for love and the beauty of life
Avoiding depression and the pain
That slices through me like the blade
Of a razor sharp knife.
I live for the sweet sound of music
That rolls off the tongue and whispers
Numerous pleasures into my ear.
Sharing its magic with anyone
And everyone that comes near.
I live for tomorrow - while enjoying today
Blocking out the past as I follow the
Chosen path -quietly going on my way.
I live with hope - stubbornly refusing to
Give into the chains that surround me
Binding my movement and restricting
My imagination from running free.
I live with the ups and downs as do you
The twists and turns this roller coaster
Of life endlessly travels over and thru.
I live for the day and for the night
Filled with anticipation and inspiration
Waiting for the next morsel of joy
To cross my sight.
I live for my wife and my child
Family, friends and strangers
Ignoring failure and the threat
Of upcoming dangers.
I have chosen to live this way -
Thanking God for the blessing
Of yet another beautiful day.
What will your choice be?

© 2001 Weav