Englishman, Irishman & Scotsman;
and the Savages!

Englishman, Irishman & Scotsman have been captured by a tribe of savages and are waiting to be executed when another captive whispers to them that the tribe are afraid of natural disasters. On hearing this, the three friends work out a plan. Later, the Englishman is standing in front of a tribal firing squad (using bows and arrows). The tribal chief proclaims, "Ready, aim-" "ERUPTION!" yells the Englishman, who escapes while the tribe are fleeing, terrified. When everything has quietened down the Scotsman is brought to face the tribal firing squad. The tribal chief proclaims, "Ready, aim-" "EARTHQUAKE!" yells the Scotsman, who escapes while the tribe are looking over their shoulders, saying, "where?". When everything has quietened down the Irishman is brought to face the tribal firing squad. The tribal chief proclaims, "Ready, aim-" "FIRE!" yells the Irishman.