
harmful Diptera and Agricultural Pests

The problem of preservation of the biodiversity is one of the most important issues of biology both in Kazakhstan and in Turkey. In order to make a successful decision on this issue it is expedient to coordinate efforts of both countries in revealing species composition, biology, ecology and in the distribution of all components of the biodiversity. First of all, Insects are the largest and ecologically important group of animals. The major role in the preservation of the biodiversity is realized by a transition from chemical methods of struggling with the wreckers to ecologically harmless biological methods. For this purpose it is necessary to expand the works in revealing and the use of effective biological regulators of the pests.

We need urgently collaborations with the Institutions on the Bioregulators.

For the correspondence please send e-mails to:

Dr. Mukhtar Kh. Baizhanov (Deputy Director of Science, Chief of the Biocontrol of the Pest Invertebrates, Almaty, Kazakhstan Republic) ** tel: (3272) 48 18 82, 48 17 32 (office); 22 17 30 (home).

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Omer Kocak (Director of the Centre for entomological Studies, Ankara, Turkey)


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Updated April 30th 2000, Cesa