Why are we studying on the exotic Lepidoptera

in abroad?


Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ömer Koçak


Turkish Text 

This state collapses, unless honourable people are as ambitious as dishonourable ones living in the country (İsmet İnönü, The Second President of Turkish Republic).


According to the Turkish supreme judicial authorities, "the unjustice attitudes in Turkish Institutions became an ordinary case (1999, December 15th , ATV, "News" Program, 7.00 p.m., a reportage concerning the salaries of Turkish Parliamentians).


A question for the sake of humanity: The year is not 1944. They are not Nazi, and I am not Jew. But what's the reason of this genocide?


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Every Natural Sciences researcher firstly carries out some studies on the bio-diversities of a country where he lives in. This is, because neccessary that it both facilitates the application and it is true from the point of view of logic. In the developed western countries, scientists can provide more efficiently from their studies conducted in less known foreign countries, either because their own fauna and flora studies have been mostly completed, or they continue their scientific researches far away from their countries in order to explicit what it is unknown thanks to their curiosity. Turkey's position is logically more suitable for the first reason mentioned above. Turkish scientists may have to study in their own country in the very first place. Unfortunately, Turkey has a few scientists in that biological richnesses of the country are found. Besides, Turkey does not have any Natural History Museum or Scientific Institution so as to be realized such scientific studies as well. This duty has been assumed by a number of academicians voluntarily. In these universities, autonomy given by law has been attributed for years only in interests of a definite part of so-called academic society or applied illegally by those or administrators who are not respectful enough to laws. Unfortunately, all qualified scientists who believe the right and justice and work efficiently have been influenced negatively by this unfair attitude. Because, these are only a small minority in the country. They could never express themselves to the state authorities and have never been paid the neccessary attention. The most clear, remarkable and perhaps the sole example for such suppressed scientists are us. The wrong policies of the universities are the main impediment to the development of the scientific life in Turkey.

The articles below selected among the fundamental rights and freedoms recognized to the Turkish citizens by the 1982 Constitution have been violating for years. We have also been affected negatively very much from this situation for years. The other negative effect on us is that Turkish authorities have not been adopting, protecting, respecting and evaluating academically our scientific studies in any way and that on the one hand, they have been insulting them clearly and on the other hand, they have been copying secretly and costing themselves what's more Turkish authorities have always been supporting or condoning this theft, is making our scientific studies impossible in such atmosphere.

These obvious reasons have forced us to use our knowledge and experience in order for foreign countries' fauna and their taxonomic problems to settle and to assess the exotic scientific materials. And we have actually many considerable successes in this point. However, neither the effort made for years, nor our researches which have not been succeeded by any Turkish scientists so far could be successful to draw any authority's attention. The reasons of it can be easily seen in the nature of Turkish academicians (the assessment of Schwarz).


The Turkish Constitution's articles being violated are as follows;



V. Fundamental Aims and Duties of the State

ARTICLE 5. The fundamental aims and duties of the State are; to safeguard the independence and integrity of the Turkish Nation, the indivisibility of the country, the Republic and democracy; to ensure the welfare, peace, and happiness of the individual and society; to strive for the removal of political, social and economic obstacles which restrict the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual in a manner incompatible with the principles of justice and of the social State governed by the rule of law; and to provide the conditions required for the development of the individual's material and spiritual existence.


X. Equality Before the Law

ARTICLE 10. All individuals are equal without any discrimination before the law, irrespective of language, race, colour, sex, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion and sect, or any such considerations. No privilege shall be granted to any individual, family, group or class. State organs and administrative authorities shall act in compliance with the principle of equality before the law in all their proceedings.

I. Nature of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

ARTICLE 12. Everyone possesses inherent fundamental rights and freedoms which are inviolable and inalienable.

The fundamental rights and freedoms also include the duties and responsibilities of the individual towards society, his family, and other individuals.

III. Prohibition of Abuse of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

ARTICLE 14. None of the rights and freedoms embodied in the Constitution shall be exercised with the aim of violating the indivisible integrity of the State with its territory and nation, of endangering the existence of the Turkish State and Republic, of destroying fundamental rights and freedoms, of placing the government of the State under the control of an individual or a group of people, or establishing the hegemony of one social class over others, or creating discrimination on the basis of language, race, religion or sect, or of establishing by any other means a system of government based on these concepts and ideas.

The sanctions to be applied against those who violate these prohibitions, and those who incite and provoke others to the same end shall be determined by law.

No provision of this Constitution shall be interpreted in a manner that would grant the right of destroying the rights and freedoms embodied in the Constitution.



I. Personal Inviolability, Material and Spiritual Entity of the individual

ARTICLE 17. Everyone has the right to life and the right to protect and develop his material and spiritual entity.

The physical integrity of the individual shall not be violated except under medical necessity and in cases prescribed by law; he shall not be subject to scientific or medical experiments without his consent.

No one shall be subjected to torture or ill-treatment; no one shall be subjected to penalties or treatment incompatible with human dignity.

Cases of carrying out death penalties under court sentences, the act of killing in self-defense, occurrences of death as a result of the use of a weapon permitted by law as a necessary measure in cases of: apprehension, or the execution of warrants of arrest, the prevention of escape of lawfully arrested or convicted persons, the quelling of a riot or insurrection, the execution of the orders of authorized bodies during martial law or state of emergency are outside of the provision of paragraph 1.


IV. Privacy and Protection of Private Life

A. Privacy of the Individual's Life

ARTICLE 20. Everyone has the right to demand respect for his private and family life. Privacy of individual and family life cannot be violated. exceptions necessitated by judiciary investigation and prosecution are reserved.

Unless there exists a decision duly passed by a judge in cases explicitly defined by law, and unless there exists an order of an agency authorised by law in cases where delay is deemed prejudicial, neither the person nor the private papers, nor belongings of an individual shall be searched nor shall they be seized.


C. Freedom of Communication

ARTICLE 22. Everyone has the right to freedom of communication.

Secrecy of communication is fundamental.

Communication shall not be impeded nor its secrecy be violated, unless there exists a decision duly passed by a judge in cases explicitly defined by law, and unless there exists an order of an agency authorised by law in cases where delay is deemed prejudicial.

Public establishments or institutions where exceptions to the above may be applied will be defined by law.


IV. Freedom of Religion and Conscience

ARTICLE 24. Everyone has the right to freedom of conscience, religious belief and conviction.

Acts of worship, religious services, and ceremonies shall be conducted freely, provided that they do not violate the provisions of Article 14.

No one shall be compelled to worship, or to participate in religious ceremonies and rites, to reveal religious beliefs and convictions, or be blamed or accused because of his religious beliefs and convictions.

Education and instruction in religion and ethics shall be conducted under State supervision and control. Instruction in religious culture and moral education shall be compulsory in the curricula of primary and secondary schools. Other religious education and instruction shall be subject to the individual's own desire, and in the case of minors, to the request of their legal representatives.

No one shall be allowed to exploit or abuse religion or religious feelings, or things held sacred by religion, in any manner whatsoever, for the purpose of personal or political influence, or for even partially basing the fundamental, social, economic, political, and legal order of the State on religious tenets.


VII. Freedom of Thought and Opinion

ARTICLE 25. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and opinion.

No one shall be compelled to reveal his thoughts and opinions for any reason or purpose, nor shall anyone be blamed or accused on account of his thought and opinions.


IX. Freedom of Science and Arts

ARTICLE 27. Everyone has the right to study and teach freely, explain, and disseminate science and arts and to carry out research in these fields. The right to disseminate shall not be exercised for the purpose of changing the provisions of Articles 1, 2 and 3 of this Constitution. The provisions of this article shall not preclude regulation by law of the entry and distribution of foreign publications in the country.


XIII. Provisions Relating to the Protection of Rights

A. Freedom to Claim Rights

ARTICLE 36. Everyone has the right of litigation either as plaintiff or defendant before the courts through lawful means and procedure.

No court shall refuse to hear a case within its jurisdiction.


XV. Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

ARTICLE 40. Everyone whose constitutional rights and freedoms have been violated has the right to request prompt access to the competent authorities.

Damages incurred by any person through unlawful treatment by holders of public office shall be compensated by the State. The State reserves the right of recourse to the official responsible.





II. Right and Duty of Training and Education

ARTICLE 42. No one shall be deprived of the right of learning and education. The scope of the right to education shall be defined and regulated by law. Training and education shall be conducted along the lines of the principles and reforms of Atatürk, on the basis of contemporary science and educational methods, under the supervision and control of the State. Institutions of training and education contravening these provisions shall not be established. The freedom of training and education does not relieve the individual from loyalty to the Constitution. Primary education is compulsory for all citizens of both sexes and is free of charge in State schools. The principles governing the functioning of private primary and secondary schools shall be regulated by law in keeping with the standards set for State schools.

The State shall provide scholarships and other means of assistance to enable students of merit lacking financial means to continue their education. The State shall take necessary measures to rehabilitate those in need of special training so as to render such people useful to society.

Training, education, research, and study are the only activities that shall be pursued at institutions of training and education. These activities shall not be obstructed in any way.

No language other than Turkish shall be taught as a mother tongue to Turkish citizens at any institutions of training or education. Foreign languages to be taught in institutions of training and education and the rules to be followed by schools conducting training and education in a foreign language shall be determined by law. The provisions of international treaties are reserved.


VII. Right of Petition

ARTICLE 74. Citizens have the right to apply in writing to the competent authorities and to the Turkish Grand National Assembly with regard to requests and complaints concerning themselves or the public.

The result of the application concerning himself shall be made known to the petitioner in writing.

The way of exercising this right shall be determined by law.


B. Recourse to Judicial Review

ARTICLE 125. Recourse to judicial review shall be available against all actions and acts of the administration.

The acts of the President of the Republic in his own competence, and the decisions of the Supreme Military Council are outside the scope of judicial review.

In suits filed against administrative acts, the statute of limitations shall be effective from the date of written notification.

Judicial power is limited to the verification of the conformity of the actions and acts of the administration with law. No judicial ruling shall be passed which restricts the exercise of the executive function in accordance with the forms and principles prescribed by law, which has the quality of an administrative action and act, or which removes discretionary powers.

If the implementation of an administrative act would result in damages which are difficult or impossible to compensate, and at the same time this act is clearly unlawful, then a stay of execution may be decided upon, stating the reasons why.

The law may restrict the issuing of stay of execution orders in cases of state of emergency, martial law, mobilisation and state of war, and for reasons of national security, public order and public health.

The administration shall be liable to compensate for damages resulting from its actions and acts.


E. Institutions of Higher Education and Their Higher Bodies

1. Institutions of Higher Education

ARTICLE 130. For the purpose of training manpower under a system of contemporary education and training principles and meeting the needs of the nation and the country, universities comprising several units will be established by the State and by law as public corporations having autonomy in teaching, assigned to educate, train at different levels after secondary education, and conduct research, to act as consultants, to issue publications and to serve the country and humanity.

Institutions of higher education, under the supervision and control of the State, can be established by foundations in accordance with the procedures and principles set forth in the law provided that they do not pursue lucrative aims.

The law shall provide for a balanced geographical distribution of universities throughout the country.

Universities, members of the teaching staff and their assistants may freely engage in all kinds of scientific research and publication. However, this shall not include the liberty to engage in activities directed against the existence and independence of the State, and against the integrity and indivisibility of the Nation and the Country.

Universities and units attached to them are under the control and supervision of the State and their security is ensured by the State.

University rectors shall be appointed by the President of the Republic, and faculty deans by the Higher Education Council, in accordance with the procedures and provisions of the law.

The administrative and supervisory organs of the universities and the teaching staff may not for any reason whatsoever be removed from their office by authorities other than those of the competent organs of the university or by the Higher Education Council.

The budgets drawn up by universities, after being examined and approved by the Higher Education Council shall be presented to the Ministry of National Education, and shall be put into effect and supervised in conformity with the principles applied to general and subsidiary budgets.

The establishment of institutions of higher education and their organs, their functioning and elections, their duties, authorities and responsibilities, the procedures to be followed by the State in the exercise of the right to supervise and inspect the universities, the duties of the teaching staff, their titles, appointments, promotions and retirement, the training of the teaching staff, the relations of the universities and the teaching staff with public institutions and other organisations, the level and duration of education, admission of students into institutions of higher education, attendance requirements and fees, principles relating to assistance to be provided by the State, disciplinary and penalty matters, financial affairs, personnel rights, conditions to be conformed with by the teaching staff, the assignment of the teaching staff in accordance with inter-university requirements, the pursuance of training and education in freedom and under guarantee and in accordance with the requirements of contemporary science and technology, and the use of financial resources provided by the State to the Higher Education Council and the universities, shall be regulated by law.

Institutions of higher education established by foundations shall be subject to the provisions set forth in the Constitution for State institutions of higher education, as regards the academic activities, recruitment of teaching staff and security, except for the financial and administrative matters. Back to top

Can Cesa survive in Turkey? Can Turkish survive in Turkey?



Yabancı Lepidopterlerle niçin Yurt Dışında Çalışıyoruz? 


İnsanlık namına bir soru: Yıl 1944 değil. Onlar Nazi, ben de Yahudi değilim. Pekala, bu soykırım niye?


Her ülkenin Tabiat Bilimi araştırıcıları, öncelikle kendi yaşadığı ülkenin biyolojik zenginlikleri ile ilgili çalışmalar yapar. Bu, hem uygulamadaki kolaylığı, hem de mantıksal açıdan doğru ve gerekli olduğu içindir. İleri düzeye ulaşmış batılı ülkelerde, ya kendi fauna ve flora araştırmaları büyük ölçüde tamamlanmış olduğundan bilim adamları az bilinen yabancı ülkelerde çalışmalarından daha fazla verim sağlayabildiklerinden, ya da bilinmeyeni merak ederek ortaya çıkartmak amacıyla daha ziyade bilimsel nedenlerle kendi ülkelerinden uzaklarda araştırmalarını sürdürürler. Türkiye'nin durumu mantıksal olarak açıklanan ilk nedenlere uymaktadır. Türk bilim adamları kendi ülkelerinde öncelikli olarak çalışabilmelidirler. Oysa Türkiye'nin biyolojik zenginliklerinin ortaya çıkartılabilmesi konusunda Türk bilim adamı sayısı maalesef yok denecek kadar azdır. Bundan başka, Türkiye'de bu tip bilimsel araştırmaların gerçekleştirilebileceği hiçbir Tabiat Araştırmaları Müzesi veya Bilimsel bir kuruluşu yoktur. Bu görev, Üniversitelerdeki bazı öğretim üyeleri tarafından keyfi olarak üstlenilmiştir. Üniversitelerde, kanunla verilmiş olan özerklik, yasalara yeterince saygılı olmayan kişi veya yönetimler tarafından yıllar boyunca sadece belli ve sözde akademik bir kesimin lehine yorumlanmış veya illegal olarak uygulanmıştır. Bundan en fazla zarar görenler, hak ve adalete inanan, çalışan, üstün nitelikli bilim adamları olmuştur. Bunlar sadece çok küçük bir azınlık oluşturduklarından, seslerini hiçbir üst yetkiliye duyuramamışlar veya onlarla hiçbir zaman ilgilenilmemiştir. Bu ezilen azınlığa en çarpıcı ve kesin örnek biziz. Üniversitelerin hatalı politikaları Türkiye'de bilim hayatının gelişmesindeki esas engeldir.

1982 Türkiye Anayasasının vatandaşlarına tanıdığı temel hak ve hürriyetler arasında aşağıda belirtilen maddeler yıllardan beri çiğnenmektedir. Biz yıllardan beri bu durumdan çok büyük zarar görmekteyiz. Bunun bize diğer bir olumsuz etkisi ise, bilimsel araştırmalarımıza Türk otoritelerinin hiçbir şekilde sahip çıkmaması, korumaması, saygı göstermemesi, akademik açıdan değerlendirmemesi hatta onları bir taraftan açıkça kötülerken, diğer taraftan gizli gizli kopyalayarak kendilerine mal etmesi, Türk otoritelerinin de bu hırsızlığa daima destek olması veya göz yumması, bilimsel araştırmalarımızı böyle bir ortamda devam ettirmeyi imkansız hale getirmesidir.

İşte bu nedenler bizim bundan böyle bilgi, görgü ve deneyimlerimizi artık egzotik bilimsel materyalleri değerlendirmek ve dış ülkelerin fauna ve taksonomik problemlerinin çözümüne harcamak zorunda bırakmıştır. Bunda da son derece büyük başarılar kazanmış durumdayız. Ancak ne Türkiye'de yıllar boyu harcanan emek, ne de bugüne kadar hiçbir Türk bilim adamının başaramadığı araştırmalarımız, Türkiye'deki otoritelerin ilgisini ve dikkatini çekebilmiştir. Bunun nedenleri Türk akademisyenlerinin tabiatında kolayca görülmektedir (bkz. Schwarz'ın değerlendirmesi).


Çiğnenen T.C. Anayasası maddeleri:

Madde 5. Devletin temel amaç ve görevleri, Türk Milletinin bağımsızlığını ve bütünlüğünü, ülkenin bölünmezliğini, Cumhuriyeti ve demokrasiyi korumak, kişilerin ve toplumun refah, huzur ve mutluluğunu sağlamak; kişinin temel hak ve hürriyetlerini, sosyal hukuk devleti ve adalet ilkeleriyle bağdaşmayacak şekilde sınırlayan siyasal, ekonomik ve sosyal engelleri kaldırmaya, insanın maddi ve manevi varlığının gelişmesi için gerekli şartları hazırlamaya çalışmaktır.

Madde 10. Herkes, dil, ırk, cinsiyet, siyasi düşünce, felsefi inanç, din, mezhep ve benzeri sebeplerle ayrım gözetmeksizin kanun önünde eşittir. Hiçbir kişiye, aileye, zümreye veya sınıfa imtiyaz tanınamaz. Devlet organları ve idare makamları bütün işlemlerinde kanun önünde eşitlik ilkesine uygun olarak hareket etmek zorundadırlar.

Madde 12. Herkes, kişiliğine bağlı, dokunulmaz, devredilmez, vazgeçilmez temel hak ve hürriyetlere sahiptir...

Madde 14. Anayasada yer alan hak ve hürriyetlerden hiçbiri... Devletin bir kişi veya zümre tarafından yönetilmesini veya sosyal bir sınıfın diğer sosyal sınıflar üzerinde egemenliğini sağlamak veya dil, ırk, din ve mezhep ayrımı yaratmak... amacıyla kullanılamaz...

Madde 17. Herkes yaşama, maddi ve manevi varlığını koruma ve geliştirme hakkına sahiptir...Kimse insan haysiyetiyle bağdaşmayan bir cezaya veya muameleye tabi tutulamaz. ..

Madde 20. Herkes, özel hayatına ve aile hayatına saygı gösterilmesini isteme hakkına sahiptir. Özel hayatın ve aile hayatının gizliliğine dokunulamaz...

Madde 22. Herkes haberleşme hürriyetine sahiptir.

Madde 24. Herkes vicdan, dini inanç ve kanaat hürriyetine sahiptir...

Madde 25. Herkes düşünce ve kanaat hürriyetine sahiptir. Her ne sebep ve amaçla olursa olsun kimse, düşünce ve kanaatlerini açıklamaya zorlanamaz; düşünce ve kanaatleri sebebiyle kınanamaz ve suçlanamaz.

Madde 27. Herkes bilim ve sanatı serbestçe öğrenme ve öğretme, açıklama, yayma ve bu alanlarda her türlü araştırma hakkına sahiptir...

Madde 36. Herkes, meşru vasıta ve yollardan faydalanmak suretiyle yargı mercileri önünde davacı veya davalı olarak iddia ve savunma hakkına sahiptir. Hiçbir mahkeme, görev ve yetkisi içindeki davaya bakmaktan kaçınamaz.

Madde 40. Anayasa ile tanınmış hak ve hürriyetleri ihlal edilen herkes, yetkili makama geciktirilmeden başvurma imkanının sağlanmasını isteme hakkına sahiptir. Kişinin resmi görevliler tarafından vaki haksız işlemler sonucu uğradığı zarar da, kanuna göre, Devletçe tazmin edilir...

Madde 42. Kimse eğitim ve öğrenim hakkından yoksun bırakılamaz... Eğitim ve öğretim kurumlarında sadece eğitim, öğretim, araştırma ve inceleme ile ilgili faaliyetler yürütülür. Bu faaliyetler her ne suretle olursa olsun engellenemez...

Madde 74. Vatandaşlar, kendileriyle veya kamu ile ilgili dilek ve şikayetleri hakkında, yetkili makamlara ve Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisine yazı ile başvurma hakkına sahiptir. Kendileriyle ilgili başvurmalarının sonucu, dilekçe sahiplerine yazılı olarak bildirilir.

Madde 125. İdarenin her türlü eylem ve işlemlerine karşı yargı yolu açıktır. .. İdare kendi eylem ve işlemlerinden doğan zararı ödemekle yükümlüdür.

Madde 130. ... Üniversiteler ile öğretim üyeleri ve yardımcıları serbestçe her türlü bilimsel araştırma ve yayında bulunabilirler...Öğrenimin ve öğretimin hürriyet ve teminat içinde ve çağdaş bilim ve teknoloji gereklerine göre yürütülmesi, Yükseköğretim Kuruluna ve üniversitelere Devletin sağladığı mali kaynakların kullanılması kanunla düzenlenir. .. Geri dönüş

Cesa Turkiye'de Yaşayabilir mi? Türkçe Türkiye'de yaşayabilir mi?

See: Constitution of the Republic of Turkey (full text)

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 Updated December, 2nd 1999, Cesa Ó