An Invitation for the Collaboration on the Biological Control


Circular Letter


The laboratory of biological control of pest invertebrates and weeds of the Institute of Zoology and Genofund of Animals of Ministry of Science-Academy of Sciences of Republic of Kazachstan is looking for scientific contacts in the field of study and development of new ecologically safer methods of biological control of pest invertebrates and weeds.

Over the last 30 years, our laboratory has carried out the advanced researches in finding, studying and getting from the wild nature of different natural regulators of biocontrol of a number of blood-sucking Diptera (mosquitoes, gnats, horseflies, culicids), pests of crop and other agricultural plants (locusts, slugs, weevils etc.) and has a large collection of microbiological strains with a high virulence activity against the above mentioned pest invertebrates.

If you are interested in collaboration with us in the field of biological control of pests and weeds I would be very grateful if you could find an opportunity to contact me.

Sincerely yours,


Dr. M. Kh. Baizhanov

Chief of the Laboratory of

Biological Control of Pest

Invertebrates and Weeds


Current Address:

Ministry of Science-Academy of Sciences

Institute of Zoology and Genetic Fund of Animals,

Academgorodok Almaty, 480032.

Republic of Kazachstan.

tel: 48 18 82

fax: 3272- 48 19 58


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