
The horrific acts of September 11, 2001
caused many to put into words their feelings,
observations, hopes and despair.  
Watching the fall of the World Trade
Center towers prompted my poem below:

The Death of Two Kings
An American Tragedy, September 11, 2001

Where is the unknown headsman
who has severed the crown
and diminished the posture of twin kings
in the morning of their rein?
Humbled to gaps and errors
we crawl through spaces,
not unlike the twisted alloys
that have melted and fused
open cradles of unrest for our brothers,
trying to sift through ash and vapor
of what remains - a question, why.

The unflinching character
once rising in magnitude and extent,
interwoven offspring
of modern rulers
now rigid and unyielding ruins,
leaking the blood of our banner in the air
a haunting silence of iron and carbon
but for a pressurized whisper:
Hatred is a choice.

copyright 2001