Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite History
    I just decided to put this page up to let you know just how I came up with the Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite from then until now. It might be long (I can get a bit carried away) - not likely though (I don't like to brag), but if you seem really curious, it'll be a bit interesting to you. It might give you a bit of inspiration to make an Ed, Edd n Eddy site too.

The Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite Story
(okay, so I need to work on a title)

The Genesis
    Ever since I first saw Ed, Edd n Eddy back in 1999, I've always wanted to make something to them. I then thought of a fansite, but I didn't have the Internet then, so I just fiddled with my computer, like I did have one (it was "text-only" - I don't know how I could continue on without any animation and pictures then). Anyway, later, I got the Internet to help me make a real web fansite. First thing I did, was going through some existing Ed, Edd n Eddy sites to get a bit of inspirations (from Cartoon Network Eds' sites to fansites like the Eddzone; the places where I borrow pictures).

From Ed Club To Ed Site
    After a few months of thinking of how to build a fansite of my own, but it wasn't exactly what you'd call a "site;" more of a little club - Club Edd, actually. That was back in April 2001. It wasn't much as I had thought it would be, so I got a web paging host at Geocities around August 2001. I tried a little site, but the page sizes were limited, and I had to keep a small font on. I didn't have a name for my site then, and if I used "Club Edd" again, it would seem as a repeat and it was more of a "club" that a "site." Soon I thought that this might not be enough for my site to grow bigger, and I needed something that was good for offline web building. I thought that something like that happening would be very hard to find.

Making Of The DreamSite
    Then in early September 2001 (God Bless America!), I found a program, Trellix Web, that was perfect for what I needed; offline use, no page limit, no need for HTML knowledge (although I can do HTML), etc., so I downloaded it, and fiddled with it a bit. I learned it very quickly, but one of the hardest things of making a site to me was thinking of a name for it. It took me a few hours to come up with the name. I was watching "Over Your Ed" while I was thinking, and at the part when Eddy said, "Welcome to my closet of dreams." it was then I thought of a name. I came up with some words with "dreams" in it; "Dreamy Eds" (my origin URL), "EdDreams," "DreamSite." Then, it came to me; the "Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite." I kept that name, and started on the site immediately. When I had most of it done, I told some of my friends about it, and there you have it. My Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite, but it doesn't end there.

Relocating . . . Again?
    It happened during late October. I was doing a usual update, but this one update was no usual update that has happened in my experience. What happened was that there seemed to have been an error on the host. I thought that it was just something that happened sometimes, so I waited a bit. When I updated again, it did the same thing. It was then I became worried with my DreamSite. The only ways I could think of to get this problem out of my head and my site was to either stop making the Eds' DreamSite completely and ending where I was, or finding another place instead of Tripod or using Trellix. I didn't want to do both.

Today's DreamSite
    I was a bit upset with myself relocating and changing my site; from a small club (Club Edd) to a big site (the "original" Eds' DreamSite). It seemed like a hard problem for me to solve. The only host I know that Trellix can upload on was Tripod (I'm a bit unfamiliar with the other ones), and Tripod was the one that I was on with this quandary. It took a few days, but I've finally found a way to go around this problem; I had to change the URL and design of my DreamSite - completely, in other words, starting over again, but I still stayed with Tripod (if I'm using Trellix, I'm stuck with Tripod). I worked on the new DreamSite, and tried to get some things straightened out (especially the counter, forum, "DreamBook," etc.) before I told anyone that I've moved my site. That newer Eds' DreamSite is this very site, with a different design and look to it.

Hopes For The DreamSite's Future
    I like to make big sites, as you can see with the second version of the Ed, Edd n Eddy DreamSite (even though it originated from a tiny club). When I first made the DreamSite, I thought it seemed a bit late, since it was at the prime of Season 3 of Ed, Edd n Eddy when I started, but then I thought, "It's never late to make something; it's only late when you don't make it at all." That helped me continue on making the Eds' DreamSite, even if it has its ups and downs, and I'll continue going on with it; even after the Eds end their premieres on TV (which I hope is no where near the point of you reading this). I love Ed, Edd n Eddy, and making a fansite to them.

The End.