Spotlight Ed
Something new in the Eds' DreamSite every week!

    Every character, quote, etc. is picked 100% by random. Whoever/whatever comes to my mind first, gets to be in the spotlight, and this page will always be updated every week. I will keep a record of the spotlight, so in case you missed a weekly update, ask me what week you want, and I'll tell you it.

Week of May 5, 2002 to May 11, 2002


Double D


"High Heeled Ed"


Eddy - *in a small, squeaky voice* What happened to my head?! (from "X Marks The Ed")


"Ed Or Tails" - The scene where the Eds were just about to leave the Kankers' trailer. When Eddy opens the door, he sees the Kankers and screams. The Kankers, with their faces covered in "beauty mud," asked the Eds about Eddy Jr., Ed Jr., and (not to forget) Double D Jr., which were their Ed dollies. The Eds could no longer take it, and they run off.

Eds' cToon

Balloon Ed

(more spotlights ideas coming soon)
Got a Spotlight idea? Question?