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Females will agree that it's tough to bed down with a guy who turns out to have a teeny weenie.  But, for the sake of all the lesser-endowed guys out there: Little penises deserve fanfare too.  For this reason, here's a how-to on the art of the fake orgasm.

Bad Orgasmic Mistakes

Before getting into the details of executing a brilliant, natural-sounding O, it's probably best to bring to light some of the most common orgasmic mistakes. All too often, women think certain things will constitute a good fake performance, when really, it just leaves their partners confused, frustrated, and yes, ashamed.

Orgasm "Don'ts"

Don't scream.  It's tacky, it's tired, and everyone can see right through it. One of the most over-used fake techniques, it's rare that the "orgasmic" scream can benefit anyone in this day and age.  And who really thinks so highly of their sex skills that they'd believe a scream is warranted?

Don't forget about build-up.  Some women jump right into their act while forgetting that two seconds before, they were hardly participating at all. Big mistake. Think of faking an orgasm like sneezing.  Does the "achooo!" come out of the blue?   Of course not. You first crinkle your eyes, draw in your breath, and cover your face.  Only then do you let it out. Without build-up, it's clearly insincere.

Don't ignore timing.  No doubt, you're a busy woman on the go, and bad sex isn't something you want to drag out. However ...  not many people would believe a woman who has an orgasm by the third minute.  Come on, what is that?

Don't scrimp on the K-Y.  No fake orgasm, no matter how well put together, will mean anything if you're still dry as the Sahara. Yes, your partner will notice that.

Proper Orgasmic Form

Faking it with proper form is the key to orgasmic success.  So without further ado ...

Orgasm "Dos"

Do pay attention to subtleties.  For the same reason why the scream is so ineffective, it's the subtle quirks to your performance that make it really believable.   Illusions of orgasmic bliss can be created by a simple shudder, twitch, or sigh-anything that your partner doesn't see you do when you're upright and clothed.

Do make it ugly.  Pretty orgasms-where you toss your hair, arch your back, let out a soft moan in C minor-can be nice, but often come out looking premeditated.  But not many people wouldn't buy into an ugly one. Spit, curl your lips, bare your teeth and howl.

Do get into character.  Think about the woman you're supposed to be, the one who's "really" having an orgasm.  How aroused is she right now?  Does she find the person she's sleeping with in any way attractive?  Why?  Try and get into her head.

When it's all said and done, there's one thing you'll want to make sure you do-say you're tired.  Beat.  Worn out.  Can't go any longer. After all, isn't that the point of faking it?