Di's Delightful Creations
& Crafts

Page 2

Mother's Survival Kit
Penny - for your thoughts
Pen & Journal - ( or the Journal Jar) -- to write down your thoughts, and hopes and joys for your children
Clock - to remind you that time will pass by too quickly, enjoy every moment.
Mirror - to remind you that you are important too.
Marbles - to replace the ones you will loose.
Jewel - now that you are a mother you are even more valuable.
Rubberband - to remind you that flexibility is the key
Sweet and Sour lollipop - to remind you to lick the sour times and savor the sweet times
Lifesavers - to save you from one of those days
Tissue - to dry those tears, the children's and yours.
Toothpick - to pick out the good in all situations
Fireball - for times when you are burnt out
Eraser - to remind you that every Mom makes mistakes
Puzzle Piece - because you are an important piece in your child's journey through life
Starburst - for energy
Fabric Square - for all the times you will have to use your imagination for last minute costumes, outfits.
2 Wiggle Eyes - those extra eyes for the back of your head.
Hershey's Hugs and Kisses -- for when you've given all of yours away and you need some back.
©Paulette, 1998~~TLC Creations


Grandparents Survival Kit

Hand Lotion - to remind you that babies need lots of soft touches
Safety Pin - to help remind you to be safe
Marbles - to replace the ones you will loose
Lifesavers - to remind you that grandparents can be lifesavers
Pen and paper - to remind you to write down your thoughts and memories to share with them when they are older
Small handmirror - to remind you that you play a very important roll in the life of your grandchild!
Wipes - for cleaning up those little messes
Candle - to remind you, you will be the light of that child's eye
Peppermint - to remind you that you are worth a mint
Brag Book - so you will always have your grandchild near
Sweet & Sour Candy - to remind you that every child can be both at any given moment
Clock - to remind you that time passes to quickly...enjoy every minute
Mounds Bar - for the mounds of wisdom you will pass on to your grandchild
Starburst - for that extra burst of energy when you wear out but they don't.
Hershey's Hugs & Kisses - because you deserve them~!
©Paulette, 1998~~TLC Creations


Divorce Survival Kit
Shampoo - to wash that man right out of your hair.
Rubber Ball - to help you "bounce" back.

Tootsie Roll - to help you roll with the punches.
Marbles - to replace the ones you will loose
Lifesaver candy - for when you feel you are drowning in litigation
Skittles Candy - to remind you that there is a rainbow at the end of every storm.
Paperclip - to help you hold it all together
Piece of String - when you get to the end of your rope, tie a know to this and hang on
Eraser - to remind you that you can start all over with a clean slate.
Pack of Gum - to remind you that your friends will "stick" by you.
Candle - to light up the dark times
Cotton Ball - to cushion the rough roads ahead
A lemon drop - to remind you that "when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade."
A penny - to give you the extra cents (sense) to know which battles are worth fighting, and which are better ignored.
Hugs & Kisses - from me, whenever you need them.
©Paulette, 1999~~TLC Creations


Fisherman Survival Kit
Band-Aid - for when you get hooked instead of the fish.
Snickers Bar - to remind you to keep your sense of humor.
Lifesavers - just in case you fall into the water.
Gummy worms - in case you run out of bait.
Joke Book - to help you pass the time.
A gift certificate for burgers - in case you don't catch any fish.
Gum - to remind you to "stick" with it.
Tissue - to dry your tears when the big one gets away.
Sponge - to soak up the water....in case you spring a leak.
Notepad - to start writing your story about how the "big one" got away.
Labels to attach to the fish that say - "Objects are larger than they appear."
Hugs and Kisses - to remind you that I still love you even if you don't catch "the big one"
©Paulette, 1998~~TLC Creations


Student Survival Kit
Sponge - to soak up all the knowledge
Eraser - to remind you that each day you can start with a clean slate.
Candle - for when you are burning the midnight oil studying
Button - to remind you that sometimes you have to button your lip
Rubber band - to remind you to be flexible, things might not always go the way you want, but it will work out.
Pack of Gum - so your class can "stick" together
Tootsie roll - to help you roll with the punches
Mounds Bar - for all the information you will need to retain
Toothpicks - to hold your eyes open during class
Lifesaver - for when you feel you are drowning in information
Skor Candy Bar - to remind you to score well on your tests
Sweet & Sour Candy - to help you accept and appreciate the differences in others
Tissue - to wipe the sleep out of your eyes
Sucker - to remind you not to be a "sucker" be your own person
Carefree Gum - to remind you to have fun
Hugs & Kisses - to remind you I am always here and I love you
©Paulette, 1998~~TLC Creations


Hershey's Hugs and Kisses...for you and the baby, for you both deserve them
Penny...for your thoughts
Pen & Journal (or the Journal Jar)...to write down your thoughts
Clock...to remind you that time will pass by too quickly, enjoy every moment
Mirror...to remind you that you are important too
Marbles...to replace the ones you will lose
Jewel...now that you are a mother, you are even more valuable
Rubberband...to remind you that flexibility is the key
Lifesavers...to save you from one of those days
Tissue...to dry those tears, the babies and yours
Toothpick...to pick out the good in all situations
Fireball...for times when you are burnt out
Lollipop...to lick all your problems
Eraser...to remind you that every new Mom made mistakes
Puzzle Piece...because you are an important piece in your child's journey through life
Starburst...for energy!
Submitted by Paulette


Birthday Survival Kit Ideas
Money: So you'' have some to burn
Confetti- Don't go to pieces just because your another year older!
Crayon-So you can have a bright and colorful day
Candle: Remember not to burn it at both ends
Balloon - Let the air out of all your worries
Candy- May your special day be as sweet as your are!
Streamers to decorate your soul
A party horn --so you can toot your own! A party top hat--cause you're tops~!
A teensy gift that is wrapped with the "gift" poem on it
A piece of wrapping paper-so you can wrap yourself in surprises
Cake sprinkles--to shower you with a rainbow of happiness
A sugar rose-to remind you to stop and smell the roses along the way
matches -to light your birthday candel or your fire!
An ice cream cone--to savor the moment (perhaps make a satin icecream scoop to put in it!).
A cup cake--so you can have your cake and eat it too..(make a satin cupcake, using a foil cupcake paper doubled, and wad up some stuffing and put it in a circle of satin that is then glued into the paper cup--add some lace or trim around the edge of the satin ball where it meets the paper cup)
Submitted by Birdiekity

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